Does anyone feel sick after eating sugar free stuff?

Ok...I am 5 months post-op (-100!). Anyway, I am able to eat food with sugar in it, as long as it is in small amounts. But! I have a hard time with sugar free candy and no sugar added ice cream. Like I'll eat one of those Blue Bunny no sugar added ice cream bars, and I feel light headed and just plain gross. Does this happen to anyone else?    — fropunka (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 8, 2003
Yeah some sugar free candy makes me sick. If it is the ice cream you could be dumping on the sugar from the sugar added still has milk sometimes does a number on a lot of people..maybe thats it..or maybe you just can't tolerate they sugar alcohol in the stuff!
   — Jessica L.

January 8, 2003
I think Stacie O. posted on this once, explaining that even sugar substitutes or additives with names that end in "-tol" can tend to make some folks dump. I know they don't particularly agree with me, so if I get a sugar-free product, and the ingredients list has a lot of stuff ending in "tol," I think twice about eating too much of it, just as I would about sugar.
   — Suzy C.

January 8, 2003
Sugar free candy is fine, but sugar free pudding makes me feel sick. Go figure ! Nancy Thompson
   — Nancy T.

January 8, 2003
I had that happen to me for the first time last night. I was shopping at meijers last night and bought some little chocolate cookies from their bakery that were sugar free. They have Malitol in them to sweeten. They were so good. I ate 2 very small ones and felt awful afterward. They gave me horrible gas and cramps followed by many trips to the bathroom. NOT WORTH IT TO ME!
   — DRutherford

January 8, 2003
sometimes it can be the lactose in the ice cream type things. It is a type of sugar, and you may have problems wiht it. I get really bad gas if I eat too many bites of SF chocolate.
   — Vicki L.

January 8, 2003
I am the original poster. I guess I just don't get why I can eat a fun size snickers and feel nothing, but if I eat 2 pieces of sugar free candy, I could barf. Go figure! lol :o)
   — fropunka

January 8, 2003
I don't dump on sugar but if I chew sugar-free gum or eat a sugar-free mint my stomach makes all sorts of noise. It doesn't hurt, it is just embarassing.
   — LM O.

January 9, 2003
If I eat too much of a sugar free product that also happens to contain milk- it will make me feel awful! Some candies that are sugar free have alot of fat so be careful here as well. Moderation.
   — Lisa B.

January 9, 2003
It is possible to be allergic to all or some sugar substitutes. Be careful you could get very ill if you are. Amy
   — Amy S.

January 9, 2003
I do occasionally eat some sugar-free products (Dreyer's NSA ice-cream and Murray's SF vanilla wafers being favorites). But all in all, I generally can eat the same amount of the sugar free stuff as the regular stuff so I try for the real thing in moderation. Now the SF oreo-type cookies are the exception because just the thought of regular oreos makes me nauseated but I like to make shakes sometimes with the sugar free ones. But I do have problems with sugar alcohols, most noticeably with sugar free hard candy. At least if I dump from real sugar I am not gassing those around me like I do with the sugar free! *hee hee*
   — ctyst

January 9, 2003
No sugar added IceCream still has all of the milk sugar. Lots of the sugar free stuff has sugar alcahols in it, I would be very sparing with any of that stuff. One of the worst dumps I have ever had was from a 'sugar free' cookie
   — Cara F.

January 12, 2003
The sugar-free stuff does that to a lot of people, I think mostly because of the sugar alcohols that are used to sweeten them. I highly recommend using fructose or turbinado sugar as a sweetener. Check out my profile or for sample recipes and photos, as well as ordering information for the recipe book. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

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