Has anyone had HYPERthyroidusm and still qualified for surgery due to obesity?

Has anyone had HYPERthyroidusm and still qualified for surgery due to obesity? Can you please tell me your story. Thanks    — Ann M. (posted on March 21, 2003)

March 22, 2003
I think you might mean Hypo-thyroidsism. Hypo is wehere your metabolism is sluggish. Hyper is the oposite. If you had Hyper-thyroidism then you problebly wouldn't need this. I, too, have Hypo-thyroid and I have been approved. Your insurance will need to blood work that you had your TSH levels tested and that see your TSH levels are within normal range. This is achieved with meds. Most common is Synthroid. If you had blood work to show this you will most likely need to submit this to your insurance. Good Luck! and God Speed
   — Donna R.

March 22, 2003
Hi hon, I had and still have hyperthyroidism I take synthroid my dosage is lower since i lost my weight but I quailified for surgery with no problem at all...good luck to you!!
   — Deanna Wise

March 22, 2003
To Clarify my question I do have HYPERthyroidism, supposedly I have an OVERactive thyroid. I have read a couple of post of this being the cause of some peoples weight gain but it is uncommon. My Doctor is stumped and said with my thyroid test level I should be losing weight. I have had Hyper for 2 years and my BMI is 40. I will be seeing an Endocrinolgist next week. I was just wondering if this will hurt or help me be a candidate for WLS. Thanks Ann
   — Ann M.

March 22, 2003
I too had hyperthyroidism. I was diagnosed in November of 2000 and went on medication. My endocrinologist wanted to do the iodine thing to my thyroid (kill it!) immediately and I decided to hold off and just try the medication. I went on the meds and I gained 20lbs in 6 weeks. I went back to him in January of 2001 and his response was "you'll just have to starve yourself" ! I took myself off the medication and never went back to him. When I went for my pre-op testing in Feb of 2002 I was very scared I wouldn't be approved for surgery due to my high thyroid levels. I told both my surgeon and the endocrinologist he sent me to about my previous history. Well, the blood tests came back at the high end of normal and both approved me for surgery. Why my levels dropped is a mystery of all of us and I thank God that I was approved. BUT , had I let that *(&%&#$ kill my thyroid with radioactive iodine, I would be hypothyroid and be on synthoid for life! My thyroid levels weren't checked at my 6-month but I am going to request that they be checked at my 1-year (6 weeks away) and I hope they are normal. If your levels are controlled by meds then you should probably be approved for surgery. I wish you luck :)
   — LynneSteinmetz

March 22, 2003
I had hyperthyroidism and had to have my thyroid "killed". I was one of the rare (some say not so rare) that gained with a overactive thyroid. I was put on medication and had to have it in the normal range before my surgeron would do the surgery. It took about 5 months for it to become normal. Good luck!
   — Cookie G.

March 24, 2003
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. Ann
   — Ann M.

March 24, 2003
I had tried to do this surgery 4 yrs ago and found out I had Hypo-thyroid and had thyroid cancer, after 2 surgery's my thyroid is over-active which is where they want it, so the cancer wont come back. well I'm about 20 or so lbs heavier now then before the surgery. So I take 2 meds for thyroid and consider hyper thyroid by TSH. and I was told by the surgeons office I was approved within one week.
   — zapuback

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