has anyone else come down with shingles in their post-op period?

I got shingles in my third post-op week, and what a nice addition that has been to my recovery How did others cope with this?    — Vicky M. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
I had shingles a few years ago before my WLS, but I can sympathize with you! It was probably the most miserable I've ever been. I think I read that stress can bring them on. I wonder if the stress of your surgery caused your outbreak?
   — Want2bslim

April 8, 2003
I am not sure what shingles are but I got hives. They were miserable. They only lasted about a month. I now break out occasionally.
   — Leslie H.

April 8, 2003
Shingles can surface at any time, and can be set off by stress, like that of a major surgery. I am so sorry that you have them. They can be very painful and problematic, and I know that you do not need this in addition to everything else that you are going through. Good luck to you, I hope that you feel better soon.
   — Vicki L.

April 9, 2003
Yup. I get shingles as a response to stress. I had my surgery Jan 2 and got my shingles 2 weeks later, right on schedule. Just one of those things in life I can count on, big mental or physical stress, then shingles. I know they are miserable!!! I dust them with a little medicated baby powder and keep my hands off them and they go away in a couple of weeks. Good luck to you! God Bless!<><
   — garnet156

May 26, 2003
13 months post op and last night i went to the hospital and you guessed it , i have shingles. adult chicken pox as the doctor refered to it. they lay dorment after having chicken pox as a child till stress or another factor brings them out. yes they hurt and are no fun , I am now off from work for the next 10 days as i am considered contagious till they crust over.
   — rhondan

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