How has WLS affected those who suffer from hypothyroidism?

   — Amber W. (posted on September 12, 2003)

September 13, 2003
My TSH and T3 counts are better after surgery, 1 take 100 mcg of Levoxyl a day. Felling pretty goo too. Good lUck MaryLyn
   — Kriola

September 13, 2003
I have hypothyroidism so bad that I take .224 mg of synthroid a day. My PCP said that is about what someone my old size would take if their thyroid wasn't working at all. I didn't do any research on hypothyroidism so I don't know if that's true, or really anything about the disease, so unfortunately I probably can't be a lot of help to you. I had lap RNY and didn't have a problem losing weight at all. I have had a problem with regain, but that's supposedly due to an enlarged stoma. I wouldn't worry about hypothyroidism and weight loss, or other aspects of WLS, but any question like that would be good to ask your PCP and/or surgeon just to ease your mind. Much luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 13, 2003
My dosage before surgery for my hypothyroid was .250. Since surgery my dosage keeps getting lowered. Right now we are trying to stablize at dosage .125
   — bbjnay

September 14, 2003
I haven't had any difficulty losing weight with my hypothyroidism. My dosage of synthroid has also been lowered from 75 to 50 mcg.
   — Pat C.

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