When is the danger period over?

Provided that you make it through the surgery, at what point in time are you out of danger? One week, two weeks ,thirty days. When can you stop being so nervous    — stevie W. (posted on January 21, 2001)

January 21, 2001
Given that you have NO complications in the hospital, you will still have risk for Deep Venous Thrombosis (aka blood clots) for a couple of months. My Dr. told me that, and told me the key is to walk EVERY day. You may also have lifting restrictions till your incision is healed, to minimize the risk for hernias. I am a little over 3 months postop, and have no problems at all. Good Luck to you!
   — Cara S.

January 21, 2001
My surgeon states that the majority of MAJOR complications occur within the first 10-14 days.
   — [Anonymous]

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