Are Prenatal vitimans really ok?

My dr suggested i take a prenatal vitamin daily. But i have noticed the ingredients say calcium carbonate not calcium citrate (which we should be taking i understand) and it has 27mg of Iron. Should i get a different vitamin or just take the calcium citrate extra , will it increase the calcium too high???? gona have to be a lab tech before this is over!!! Jacki :)    — Jackiis (posted on October 28, 2001)

October 28, 2001
My primary care physcian prescribed me some pre-natal vitamins about 1 week before I saw my surgeon for my first post surgery check up. I was so thrilled cause those vitamins are good!! I remember how my hair and nails grew, how good I felt when I took them while pregnant. I prodly told my surgeon that I had a prescription for them when I saw him on my next visit. He looked at me strange then announced that they would do me absolutely no good, because of the malabsorbtion. He said I needed chelated vitamins, that are wrapped in minerals, especially to be absorbed where others can't be. I use Country-Life, and am doing fine. I gave the prenatal vitamins to my girlfriend. Her nails are growing nicely. Although any chelated vitamins will work well. GNC does not see these, but most other vitamin stores do.
   — Phiddy B.

October 28, 2001
Yep, you'll need the calcium citrate separately. There is no multi-vite that covers us totally. We will always need high amounts of some elements, but normal amounts of others. Our malabsorption is picky about what it excludes. You will still need 1500mg or more of calcium citrate, over & above the carbonate in your multi. Ultimately, you will probably need more iron, A, D, E, zinc, and B12 than is in that multi, too.
   — vitalady

October 28, 2001
   — Tricia C.

October 29, 2001
I've been taking Niferex PN Forte prescription plus 2 viactiv for 2 years. My labs are normal. The best part is my insurance pays for them! Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2001
Hi Jacki, i was asking about calcium citrate just the other day and the gal said to watch the dosage, because some brands you have to take more of (pills) to get the amount you need
   — Nancy S.

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