Where is the incision and how big? Does anyone have pictures?

   — Linda A. (posted on January 29, 2002)

January 29, 2002
i have pictures of my incision if you want me to send them to u i need an email email address is [email protected]
   — Deanna Wise

January 29, 2002
I had open RNY. My incision is 3 1/2 inches long. Its a thin vertical line located in the center of my upper abdomen starting at my bra line. Some incisions are smaller, some are much longer. Lap is about 6 or 7 very small incisions. I'm quite happy with my little souvenier.
   — Donna L.

January 29, 2002
I wonder now that I find someone with a small incision why I had to be cut open almost 18 inches. It goes from the middle of my sternum, down to my belly button, and then halfway around my bellybutton. I asked why the incision was so long, and my Surgeon's response was that sometimes a longer incision is needed to get at all of the intestine. I thought it was a bit of overkill though, I mean that I am the one that has an almost 2 foot scar to wear because he wanted to make his job easier.
   — sbinkerd1

January 29, 2002
Scott, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My scar starts right below the breasts in the middle and ends after going around the belly button also. You're not alone but I too had to wonder when I saw that so many people had much smaller scars.
   — Barbara H.

January 29, 2002
My incision seems about average... Open RNY, my incision is 10 inches long, and because of my surgeon's height and my begining weight my incision is a little to my right instead of being right down the center and starts right under my bra and stops about 4 inches from my belly betton (or where it would line up to) But I've also got a long torso..
   — Elizabeth D.

January 29, 2002
I had Laproscopic RNY surgery on 9/27/01. There are 4 incision scars less than 1 inch long maybe an 1/8 inch wide, and 2 small scars from the drain and tube. They are all fading a little more every month. My friends who have seem them call them "mosquito bites" compared to what they expected to see. Hope this helps.
   — Mary O.

January 29, 2002
My scar is HUGE compared to some of these postings! lol Mine runs from between the top of my breasts to my belly button. It is about 14 inches long! I wonder too, like the previous poster, why we had to be opened so much further than the others? Who knows, but I hope that you don't put too much emphasis on the scar. If somebody can't love you or puts you down because of a silly scar then you don't really need them in your life. Good luck to you!
   — purdue_1993

January 29, 2002
My scar is from my bra line to my belly button. Such a small price to pay to be thin and healthy!!! I would do it again in a minute. I am 3 months post and down 54 pounds already. I am 5'7", my pre-op weight was 228 and I am now at 174. Only 30 to 35 pounds to get to goal. Life is so much better. I am so thankful for this surgery!!!
   — skymaxjr

January 29, 2002
I had a LAP RNY and I had 6 incisions ranging in size, the largest one is probably a little over an inch and the smallest is probably a little smaller than 1/2 inch ( I think I had 16 staples total), they're all basically located around the middle section of my stomach area, there is one that is just below my breasts in the center, and one that is slightly lower than all the rest.
   — [Anonymous]

January 29, 2002
I had open RNY nov 12, 2001 and my scar is exactly 10 inches. I do have pics of my stomach while in hospital with staples and all and after pics I will gladly send you if you want. My e-mail address is [email protected]
   — Lynda T.

January 30, 2002
There's a picture of my incision right after coming out of the hospital and one at -2 months on my website. The address is:
   — Deborah W.

January 30, 2002
My scar runs from breastbone to belly button. I had my gallbladder removed, which is why the scar is so long. I remember reading that when the scar is smaller, it usually is because the gallbladder was left in. Hope this helps!
   — Becky H.

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