Can you stretch your pouch just with water?

I seem to be able to drink quite a bit of water/Tang/Crystal Light at one time without problems. This may be a strange question - but - can you stretch your pouch by drinking too much? I had open RNY on 10/31/02 (not transected) and have lost 27lbs so far. Sometimes I just don't get full from the food I eat so I try to drink more in compensation. Thanks!    — Pamela R. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 27, 2002
No, I don't think you can stretch your pouch with water. I'm not a physician though. I do think you are defeating yourself if you drink while you are eating to make yourself fuller. What that does essentially is to wash your food out of your pouch more quickly, so you get hungry sooner. I read that if you water-load, or drink LOTS of water right before you eat, your pouch is much better hydrated (obviously) and senses fullness more quickly. You might try that. Good luck - water, water, water, walk, walk, walk (in the words of Dr. S!!).
   — Scarlett A.

November 27, 2002
You Can not strech your pouch with water. I too can drink water as normal as before the surgey.
   — barbara A.

November 28, 2002
Hello! Congratulations on your sugery! I had my open rny on 11-19, so am in earlier recovery than you. My doctor is different than others and makes you stay on clear liquids for 3 weeks after surgery. I was really discouraged earlier this week, as I felt the instructions I was given to come home on were very inadequate. I was told to constantly sip water or something. Well, I did and was drinking 20 oz of water in an hour. Post op friend of mine said she thought that was too much so early. I called and dr and they agreed, and said they didn't know exactly how much water I should drink in an hour, but definetely not that much. From what I remember my dr saying in hospital and what I can tell from others, when you are still in recovery (first month in my opinion) you want to be careful and try not to drink a whole lot at one time. Once everything gets healed we will be able to drink a whole 20 oz in an hour, no problem. I know it's possible - I was doing it too, but since you are still fairly close out of surgery, you may want to try and watch it for another month or so. That's what's I'm trying to do anyway. Hope it helps! best of luck to you!
   — Lisa W.

November 28, 2002
The water drains through your pouch quickly which is why you need to drink so much, so often. As far as I know, the only way you could stretch it is if you overeat CONSTANTLY. It will of course stretch alittle as you are able to eat more and then alittle more, etc. til it is approximately 4 to 6 ounces for women and up to 9 ounces for men. This info was from my surgeon....Good luck to you!.....Karen (lap rny- 9/20/02- down 76 pounds)
   — karmiausnic

November 28, 2002
For the first month I was told to take it easy - about 5 to 10 ounces an hour. After the first month as made me comfortable. Doc explained that the pouch is like a balloon - if it had no opening for fluid to exit then it would expand some, but when you poke a tiny hole in a balloon the fluid escapes rapidly and the balloon doesn't expand. Biggest difference, once your healed it shouldn't stretch much at all - about double over a year (and that's still small comparatively).
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 29, 2002
I read an article recently about water loading, where you drink a large amount of water rapidly to obtain that full feeling. It lasts from 15-25 minutes. The full feeling is obtained by the pouch stretching a little bit. I would think its the same as the full feeling you get from eating. The full feeling registers when you stretch the pouch from food. Keep in mind that this is normal! None of us keeps the tiny 1 or 2 oz pouch we start with-over time it stretches to 4-6 oz as it is supposed to. If we kept the original size, we would not be able to eat enough and would waste away-not a good thing. But getting back to your question,you should not be drinking right after a meal. Instead of drinking to feel full with food in your tummy, you are washing out what is already there. Try water loading with no food and see if you get the full feeling.
   — Cindy R.

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