Has anyone else experienced and overabundance libido?

Not that I'm complaining (and neither is my husband) but for the last month I just can't get enough. Even when I've gotten enough, I want more. What's up with this and how long will it last?    — Michelle L. (posted on September 14, 2003)

September 14, 2003
Yup....since about three weeks post-op, desire is back (gone for quite a while pre-op), and VERY strong....Not sure how long it will last, but I imagine it's due to the increase in hormones that we have post-op, and I've heard something about weight loss relasing hormones from fat cells or something like that... besides, as long as I keep feeling this great about myself, I imagine I'll keep feeling this way. Enjoy it while it lasts.LOL...
   — Kelly B.

September 14, 2003
This is one of the increased side effects for some people. I hope you do like I have and just enjoy it. I am six months post op and my desire and level of activity is still high. Plus, guess what? Sex gets even better as you lose weight. Who knew on top could be so much fun.
   — Ann B.

September 14, 2003
It is probably a combination of all those good feeling you have about yourself coming through, in addition to that release of estrogen. Its like some women being very horny while pregnant - not all of us - but that is something hormones do to some women.
   — bethybb

September 14, 2003
I have the same feeling...perhaps it's because I can orgasm now with hardly no effort, and enjoy it so much more. I'm just so much more sensitive down 'there'....(also, I'm not tired, etc.,etc., )! =)
   — richarro

September 14, 2003
This is a GOOD thing, and will settle down after a while! You are getting lots of hormones stored in that fat that are being released and it increases sex drive... be careful... this happened to me too and I am now 15 weeks pregnant! LOL!! How long will it last?? I was 18 months post op when I got pregnant, so... and I'd been activily interested again for 16 of those months... lol! I don't know WHEN it stops!! I hope it never does! LOL!
   — Sharon m. B.

September 15, 2003
Whooopeee! This is the first I've heard about this "side effect" from the surgery. Woo-woo! I'm pre-op and I hope I experience this one. I say, who care how long it lasts - as long as you are enjoying yourself I say ride the wave! Congrats! Hey, do you think if someone told the general public about this there would be a rush to the surgeon's office? hahahahaha
   — Deborah F.

September 15, 2003
It's been 3 years since my WLS and...., still going strong, stronger by the year in fact. Maybe I'm Peaking :)_
   — Mary A.

September 15, 2003
I had to laugh at Chris's post... don't feel bad Chris, I said I've got the desire, but I don't have an "outlet" either...just have to hope this "happy mood" hangs in there until I meet someone new ! LOL....
   — Kelly B.

September 15, 2003
I have to agree with Kelly.... mine has taken a dive too sadly enough. I am hoping for the opposite sometime. In the meantime though :(
   — Laurel C.

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