I have a pace maker. I CANNOT have an MRI. How do they check for leaks?

How would the drs. check me for any leakage or other surgical problems..if i begame ill after surgery thank you, jacki    — Jackiis (posted on July 25, 2001)

July 25, 2001
Your doctor will check for leaks by doing an upper GI. That is where you drink a chalky liquid and they take a series of xrays and follow where the liquid goes. They do not check for leaks by doing an MRI.
   — Elizabeth C.

July 28, 2001
Hi, the next day after my revision to RNY I had to have a leak test prior to leaving ICU (standard practice). They did a barium swallow test where I drank a little barium and they watched it go through. Two weeks later I developed a massive infection and had to have two cat-scans (one while in the ER to try to determine the cause of the infection and one before I left to check for leaks and to make sure I didn't need the infected area drained). One the second one I had to drink barium again. Never once was an MRI mentioned. Typically the upper GI is how they determine leaks but would you be able to have a CAT scan with the pacemaker? If so, you should be ok.
   — Kellye C.

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