My dr says i have mild kidney damage

She says if i take care it wont get worse but will not get better. She said she was concerned about me being on a high protein diet after surgery. She says she can help me modify the diet..anyone else have this? She says its from high blood pressure causing damage. I was in tears.    — Jackiis (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 30, 2001
You might talk to your doc about the predigested proteins that do not put such a load on the organs. When you eat food proteins, more organs are involved in trying to process the proteins, and of course, we get so much less of it, so you must "try" to eat ever more of it. With the predigested proteins, the digestion has occurred, so absorption happens more easily and there is far less waste product. Years ago, the old JIB pts and body builders had damage after about 30 yrs of eating high meat type diets. However, much of that has changed by switching to the easier proteins. Also, calcium carbonate can beat the daylights out of the kidneys, as well, so hopefully, you'll know to use only calcium citrate products. And water. Preferably by the bathtub full!
   — vitalady

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