My insicion is leaking and I am scared

Hello everyone and Happy be-lated Holiday to all! My incision is leaking and I am a bit frightened. I suffered a small bowel obstruction and required surgery a week and a half ago. So far, recovery has been uneventful, until last night. My boyfriend and I were having "intimate relations" when I suddenly realized that my shirt was a little damp. I went into the bathroom to check and saw that my incision was leaking. It was a thin fluid with a bloody tinge and as soon as I wiped it away, it came right back I put pressure on it to make it stop and it did and it hasn't leaked since. But I am worried that I may have hurt myself. We weren't so wild that we were "hanging from the chandeliers", actually, we were pretty mild compared to some nights. I didn't think that I was overdoing it, but now I am worried. Is this something that I should be concerned over? It has stopped and there is no more pain than there was before this incident. Just the discomfort of trying to recover. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.    — enjo4 (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 25, 2001
I had the same sort of thing, that turned to a yellow puss. My surgeon told me that in the MO and espically if we are diabetic fat sometimes dies rather than healing. Its not necessarily infected but can be. he gave me a prescription twice, in my case it reoccured but finally healed fine. You should call your surgeon ASAP, just to be on the safe side. Oh yes enjoy yourself, post op is the place to be!
   — bob-haller

December 25, 2001
Erin, I had an incision infection after my open RNY a few months ago. The fluid leaking from my incision was yellow/brownish--and I don\'t remember any blood (??) But, it smelled awful!!!! I agree with Bob, you should call your surgeon, just to double check. But, I would assume, it\'s just regular leakage. Congrats on the Fabulous Weight Loss, You look Wonderful!
   — Kristin R.

December 26, 2001
It sounds like this is healthy discharge. My surgeon told me that a pinkish fluid was normal and nothing to be alarmed about, but if it turns yellow, brown or greenish and has an odor, that it is usually a sign of infection, and needs to be treated, otherwise, don\'t worry. Just keep it really clean using Dial and clean dressing! Good luck!
   — Deborah W.

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