Can someone tell me if my weight loss is good?

I started out at 400 pounds 7 weeks ago. I am now down to 350. I know of a person that started at 415, and had surgery the same day as me. he is stuck at 355. we have both been stuck there for 2 weeks. We were both wondering if this is normal. I know 50 pounds lost is something to be proud of, but it seems like nothing I do is going to kick start the weight loss again. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, otherwise I will just depress my self, but I want to know when this plateau will break. I know I have not gotten enough excercise, but it is hard when I work a full day, and am tired when I get home. I do feel fatigued lately. I am drinking protein powders, and watching what I eat, so I can try to get in the calories I need. I think I am getting a few too many Carbs, but in order to get the 800 calories it seems to be unavoidable. Any other suggestions?    — sbinkerd1 (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
That is a pound a day! That is utterly awesome! I think you are doing fine. I know how you feel with the plateau. After the first month it seems I've been stuck more than I lose. Then all of a sudden it will break and you'll lose alot. Sometimes I think we do better when we "just relax and don't worry about it". It ain't easy, but when we are doing what we are supposed to do, then there is nothing else we can do. Que Sera, Sera. ;) Hang in there. You are doing great!
   — Danmark

February 5, 2002
Hi! Congrats on your 50 lbs! Darn right something to be proud of! I know it is hard not to but DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! This surgery is different for everyone. It is not uncommon to be very tired after surgery. Your only seven weeks out! You will have more energy soon be patient. Drink your water, eat your protein and increase ADL's (activities of daily living) as much as possible. Good luck you will be awesome! Beth
   — Beth F.

February 5, 2002
You are doing fine! I started at 407 myself and was down 60 lbs. in 6 weeks. It was so fun. I think what made it such a hoot is that I didn't allow myself to weigh except at my doctor's office for that first 6 months. It made the experience of losing weight seem miraculous, and I didn't obsess about the scale. May I suggest you do the same???
   — [Anonymous]

February 5, 2002
"I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, otherwise I will just depress my self, but I want to know when this plateau will break. I know I have not gotten enough excercise, but it is hard when I work a full day, and am tired when I get home." Actually, you may have answered your own question. Also you don't mention water; getting in your 64 ounces. As for the exercise, if you can't get it in at night, get out of bed earlier. You have to exercise; there's no way around it. Get started. It'll get easier, I promise. I've managed to get rid of (permanently, I hope.) 118 since 6/13/01. It works. Hang in there. And forget about the damned scales. You run your life, not some device designed to measure the pull of gravity.
   — Chuck O.

February 5, 2002
HOLY MOLY!!! I think 50 lbs in 7 weeks is wonderful. You should be very proud of yourself, I know I am proud of myself. I try not to compare my weight loss to anyone elses. It took me a full 2 months to get back my energy level. This surgery kicks the heck out of you. Now I can't sit still, I have tons of energy. You just hang in there, you are going to do fine. I started out at 450 lbs on 10-9-01 and now have lost 135 lbs. My wife had her surgery in June and has lost 90 lbs. So you see, we all lose at our own rate. Just do as YOUR doctor tells you.

February 5, 2002
Your weight loss is great! I would recommend that you have your iron level checked. I'm seven weeks out as well, and a couple of weeks ago I was so tired after work that I was going straight to bed (as well as napping during lunch in the car). I had my iron checked and my PCP said my iron was about 10 points too low. He put me on a slow release iron supplement, and my fatigue has decreased and I'm able to do more purposeful walking now. You didn't mention your water(liquid) intake, but the less water you drink, the more water you retain. Hard to believe, but drinking more water may turn the signal on for your body to get rid of whatever it's trying to hoard. Every fat cell that gets used also creates waste by-products that need to be flushed out and water is the only way to get rid of them. Your body may be retaining water in order to dilute the waste products it's trying to manage and if you up the water, you may just up the weight loss.
   — RebeccaM

February 6, 2002
try calculate bmi on this site it will tell you what is normal weight loss, I have found this to be a great help when I feel like I am not loosing enough, remamber to calculate your start weight and not your current weight. hope this helps. Trena
   — T C.

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