I have deterred from my schedule and now I forget!! Please help

Okay, okay, I will admit I have been a bad girl!! I am 15 months post op and down 140 pounds. I was recently in the hospital and had emergency surgery due to a small bowel obstruction. At my last follow up visit, I was told that while I was in the hospital my lab work shows that I am lacking in almost everything. Everything is low. It is totally my own fault. I haven't been doing what I am supposed to be doing. BAD ME!!! I was told to start up on my vitamin regime again and hopefully things will start getting back to normal. The thing is, I totally forget how to take everything. I am supposed to take 2 childrens chewables, 2 calciums, and 2-3 iron pills daily, as well as 2 b12 sublingual. I really don't know how to take them. With food, without food, with lots of water, a little water, at what time, what pills to take with what? UUUGGGHHH it is so frusterating!! Can anyone help me with a schedule, and on top of that, how can I get all my food and water in at the same time without messing up what all my vits are supposed to do? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.    — enjo4 (posted on February 19, 2002)

February 18, 2002
Hi Erin - first of all, many congrats on your wonderful weight loss and the successful outcome of your second surgery. The one thing I've learned from visiting this website is that every surgeon seems to have different advice as to supplements, food, etc. So, I have 2 suggestions. 1- Call and/or see your WLS and find out from his office what and how to take to get back on track. 2-Instead of the surgeon see a very qualified nutritionist who can do an eval (or get a copy of your test reports from the hospital or surgeon who just operated on you) and let the nutritionist put you on the right track. Actually, what you need now may be somewhat different from what you need immediately post-op. I urge you to take care of yourself. Being thin is wonderful. Being thin and healthy is the best. Lots of luck. Remember - you are worth taking care of. Nancy
   — Nancy Z.

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