I was in a pretty bad car accident last 2 days ago....

Hi all. I had an open RNY in October 2000. Other than a small bowel obstruction last december, I have had no problems related with the surgery. Thursday night, I was in a pretty bad car accident. No serious injuries (thank GOD), but the car is completely totalled. Anyway, I have a few bumps and bruises and am sore and stiff all over. I was given a prescription for MOtrin 600 as a pain reliever. I haven't had the script filled yet because I am afraid to take it. Well, as many of you know, the true effects of a car accident often occur a few days later. Well, today I am feeling really sore. Can I take the motrin short term without damaging my pouch? I have never had any stomach bleeds or ulcers before, and I have never had any problems taking NSAIDS or aspirin or ibuprofin. My surgeon's office is closed for the weekend and I was hoping for some guidance here. I really am feeling uncomfortable and have to work tonight. Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on June 15, 2002)

June 15, 2002
I am pre-op but very informed of surgery. I would take tylenol if you are scared or even call the hospital and ask to speak to a surgeon or if there is anyone available at the bariatric section of your hospital. There are many diff types of pain reliever and even if you take the motrin only for a few days I dont think there should be a problem but then again i am no doctor. Just call around. There should be some on call dr.s in town this weekend. Take care!!!
   — Jenna M.

June 15, 2002
I was told NO motrin or NSAIDS under ANY circumstances after surgery. I have to think your surgeon said the same thing as it can be very dangerous if we take it. Sorry to hear about your accident I am glad you are OK. Best of Luck!~
   — Sassy M.

June 15, 2002
No aspiran products - including Motrin should be taken. You should have said that to the attending physician in the ER about your surgery and the fact that you can't take any aspiran products. Call the ER and explain to them and I'm sure they might let you come back and change the prescription. You can take Tylenol products.
   — dolphins94

June 15, 2002
Hi! I am sorry to hear about your accident. Please do not take the motrin. I was given a shot a motrin in the ER and developed 2 bleeding ulcers 2 days later. Try to take something else for the pain. Good luck - Tracy
   — tracyr

June 15, 2002
I'm a few weeks post-op and have rheumatoid arthritis. My surgeon made me give up all anti-inflammatories, like Motrin, several weeks before surgery and cautioned me to NEVER take them again because of the ulcer risk. Apparently the ulcers are very quick to develop and severe when they occur. So my advice would be to NOT take the Motrin and try Tylenol. If you need something stronger, like Vicodin, call the doctor on Mon.
   — Susan B.

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