Remove belly button during panniculectomy

Help!!! I am 11 mos. post op and having a hernia repair for a LARGE incisional hernia, and as a favor, my surgeon is throwing in a panni. The thing i'm so concerned and upset about is, he is going to remove my belly button, to prevent future incisional or umbilical hernias. He says i can have a new one "tufted" or tattooed by a plastic surgeon later. Any comments?? Anyone heard of this before???? Thanks!!!    — domedome (posted on August 2, 2002)

August 2, 2002
I am having a hernia repair/tummy tuck in September and my surgeon told me that a belly button is "optional". But he did warn that the belly button does kinda look "sewed in". I will keep a belly button. But to be honest, if I had to lose the belly button to get a tummy tuck, then so be it.
   — skymaxjr

August 2, 2002
i have actually had two pannis with my gastric bypass and one two weeks ago with my hernia repairs and hysterectomy..the first time he left my belly button and basically all it did is cause trouble..the incision was right below it and it took forever to heal there...this time he took it..had to if i wanted all the extra removed. I did not have a false one friend did and she is not very happy with it..basically my body is not in the shape i could ever wear like a bikini or soemthing anyway so no one would ever know except my hubby and he doesn't seem to mind : ) i don't miss it one bit
   — paula B.

August 2, 2002
I lost mine (belly button) in surgery, May 2002. Couldn't care any less!!
   — Cathy J.

August 2, 2002
I had a hernia repair and panni in Aug 01---my surgeon 'saved' my belly button, repositioned it and sewed it back in. I'm glad I have it---but I don't think losing it could've kept me out of the OR that day---I was ready to lose the apron and get the hernia repaired.
   — Lucky B.

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