Why didn't they use original sites?

I was wondering if anyonehas had the same experience or may know this. I had gallbladder surgery this week (5 1/2 months after WLS surgery) and the doctor made new incisions for the Lap instead of using the old ones from the previous WLS surgery. Is there some reason behind this or ?? Just wondering. Thanks    — cherby56 (posted on September 20, 2003)

September 20, 2003
Same thing happened to me only in reverse....had the gallbladder taken out "Lap" last year and this year the WLS surgeon made new incisions. Prolly something to do with scar tissue. Still better than deal with 10 little scars than a big incision scar from an open procedure.
   — Margaret K.

September 20, 2003
I'm also a reversie - I had my gallbladder out by lap in 1992, and they used only one of the same incision sites. However, my three new little scars are no big deal. The don't pick where to poke you based on aesthetics - it is about working with the equipment and your innards.
   — bethybb

September 20, 2003
I had my gall bladder out about a month ago and my LAP RNY in August 2002. The surgeon used one of the original LAP RNY sites, but made 3 others, because of location, I guess. They're very small, so I guess it's not a big deal, but I'm beginning to look like I have had cross stitching on my stomach due all these little 1/2 inch and 1 inch holes.
   — Cathy S.

September 20, 2003
I wondered the exact same thing! I had an open rny on 1/28/03 and my gallbladder removed lap on 5/23/03. The surgeon that took out my gallbladder said that he couldn't go through my rny scar to remover my gallbladder because of scar tissue. Now, I have a nice little half circle scar underneath my belly button and 3 other really tiny scars on my side, in addition to my rny scar. Oh well, it should give my plastic surgeon plenty of work to do :)
   — karen A.

September 26, 2003
Just for a laugh - I have a foot long scar front (gallbladder) & back (disk). Looks like someone tried to cut me in half vertically. LOL :) After my lap 9/30, I guess it'll look like they stabbed me few times first.
   — Rena L.

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