has anyone else heard of Shands doing it for free to use the skin for burn victims ??

   — Shannon S. (posted on March 31, 2004)

March 31, 2004
I don't know what Shands is, but it's probably not true. Burn specialists/facilities don't harvest skin for burn victims. They us cadaver skin, or the victims own skin is harvested from an area on the body that isn't burned. This is an often discussed topic. I'm sure you could find more on it in the library. I WISH it were true!!
   — KelBurt

March 31, 2004
I just spoke to someone in Gainesville when I went to my consultation on 3-30-04, that said she had a friend in St Augustine that has had a free TT for donating her skin. I do not know her name, sorry. Try checking around that area for local hosp or burn units. I think she did mention that Shands was involved. Also try looking online for help. Good Luck.
   — Erin E.

March 31, 2004
This is not true. My father was in Shands in Dec. for a bad burn. I offer to donate my skin if they wanted to do a LBL/TT. They used his own skin, even though he is a DIABETIC. I did have my PS at shands anyway and saved a lot of money.Not the LBL/TT, I had arms and breast implants done. Jane
   — Jane T.

March 31, 2004
Urban Legend... how can you tell? It's always "a friend told me..."
   — kultgirl

April 3, 2004
Yep. Urban legend....but based on fact. I staffed 2 years at Hermann Burn Unit in Houston...all permanent graft is either patient's own skin or cultured skin cells. Temporary coverage can be done with pigskin or human banked skin. So there ARE tissue banks who collect skin, but it's becoming less common because of worries about disease transmission, etc. Wish we could use that skin and fat for filling up the breasts!
   — DrL

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