my plastic surgery plans need to be changed

Hi all. If you read my question below, you know that my surgeon is leaving his practice in July. I have an appointment with him in June and was planning on talking to him about plastics to be scheduled in September. With him leaving now, I am stuck on what to do. Can anyone recommend any plastic surgeons in Massachusetts and do any of them take Mass Health/Neighborhood Health Plan? What is their criteria? I am feeling really lost and suddenly hopeless right now. Any advice?    — enjo4 (posted on May 4, 2004)

May 5, 2004
Erin, I live in RI and I found a great ps in the providence area, her name is Dr. Antoniuk she is near woman & infants hospital. I know she takes blue cross not sure what other insurances she takes but you can email me if you want to know more at [email protected] I hope this helps, Melissa
   — melissac

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