How long were you numb after TT?

I had a tummy tuck this past June (June 15th). So it's been over 5 months. I still have numbness around my belly button and down the one leg (just the top of the thigh). Just curious how long until people got all their feeling back. Thanks!    — emilyfink (posted on November 27, 2004)

November 27, 2004
I am 3 1/2 months out and am still numb in the area between the navel and incision line directly below it. I am getting used to it. I hear it does take a bit of time for the sensation to return.
   — Fixnmyself

November 27, 2004
I had my tt, w/3 hernias repaired and muscle tightening and I still have to wear my binder or I swell up on the left side. I am still numb and I cant lay on my tummy very well yet, its too uncomfortable, anyone else with this?
   — wizz40

November 27, 2004
Some numbness may never go away. I have areas from my LBL that are significantly numb, but not so that they bother me. It's just if my husband runs a hand across those areas all of the sudden the feeling is gone for a second or two till he gets back to skin with sensation. I am 9 months PO from the LBL. However, I had a medial thigh lift 2-1/2 weeks ago and also some significant lipo in the upper torso. The 5" high band that he lipo'd across my back and right above my butt crack is totally numb. I know in time some will return but it's close to the same area as was numb from the LBL so it may never feel totally normal. I was concerned of the numbness prior to surgery as to how it would feel long term but it doesn't bother me. The numbness along the LBL scar was so narrow that it just wasn't a problem. I actually have almost zero numbness from all the other incisions, of which I have numerous, or if I do it is so minor I just don't realize it. I've been quite lucky with the nerve regeneration. I'm cut all the way around down low (LBL) and at the bra line (Upper torso lift), up the center of the belly (part of the LBL and has been opened up with all 3 surgeries for revision) and horizontally at the groin and down the inside of each leg to the knee (medial thigh lift). Like I said the only noticably numb area tend to be on the back side and down low. I don't have any noticeable numbness on the upper scar that goes all the way around, which is pretty amazing. Hang in there. Even if it doesn't go away it will become less noticeable to you in time.
   — zoedogcbr

November 28, 2004
I tell patients to expect numbness between the belly button and pubic area for up to a year. The area right along the scar will probably be permanently numb. The leg numbness (usually upper inner thigh) is not as common but can be to irritation/damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. May or may not come back but its not a disability!
   — DrL

November 28, 2004
I'm over 2 years post-op and I still have a tingling and numbness in certain areas around my stomach below the belly button.
   — Patty H.

December 1, 2004
It could be years. Don't worry about it. I had 3 c-sections...My oldest is 18 and youngest is 10...still some numbness from those surgeries. You get used to it.
   — aprilbaree

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