Okay, I know we have to take small bites, but how do we measure that??

I was thinking if I cut it up like I do for my 5 year old, then maybe that will be okay, or should I cut food up like I would for a 9 month old?? Will I always have to do this, or just for a little while? Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on September 21, 2000)

September 21, 2000
For the first week I actually ate with baby utensils. This helped me measure the size the bites should be. After a while, you do it automatically.
   — Paula G.

September 21, 2000
Erin, the key for me is how I chew. I take rather normal sized bites of softer foods, but I grind the tougher things to a pulp. And some things I just don't swallow...for instance, I've discovered beef jerky is a very good way to get a whole lot of protien with very little fat. I chew and chew and chew and remove any gristle. As long as it fits through the diameter of a ball point pen and I don't eat too quickly, I'm fine. Good Luck to you.
   — Allie B.

September 21, 2000
Hi Erin: My surgeon said the opening from my new pouch to my intestine is about "the size of an M&M." So, if I swallow anything that size or larger, it could get stuck. That being the case, it would be wise not to put bites in my mouth larger than that just in case I accidentally swallow too soon. However, this isn't always feasible - for example when eating salad. I try to always stay extremely aware of the size bites I put in, but even more aware of the size of the food I am swallowing! I do NOT want to have to go into the emergency room to get scoped. And, this won't change over time either - but hopefully I will just automatically do what's right for my body. And, by the way, no one who watches me eat notices anything odd.
   — Cindy H.

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