I was told that I am anemic

I just got myself some iron pills, (I know, I know, should have been doing this all along, slap my hand) but I am worried about getting constipated. I bought some colace just in case but I am afraid to take it. How else can I combat the constipation? Possibly before it starts? (I have already noticed that my stools are turning black after only 2 doses of iron) Also, I understand that u can't take iron with anything. Here is my schedule. I take my calcium, 2 chewables, B12 and wellbutrin in the morning, and then my iron, C, and wellbutrin before bed. Am I doing this wrong? Any answers or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on June 5, 2001)

June 5, 2001
I use an iron product called SlowFe and it doesn't give me that problem because of the time released iron. It is expensive.
   — Laura R.

June 5, 2001
Hmmmm. Flip it over--what kind of iron is it? Ferrous SULFATE? Not absorbed by us. We do better with ferrous fumarate or carbonyl irons. I'd take the iron + C, wait an hour & then start your other routine. The WB might interfere with iron absorption, too. Also, that IS 1500mg of calcium citrate per day, right? Taken in 500mg increments, like lunch, dinner & bedtime?
   — vitalady

June 5, 2001
Hi, Erin. I'm severely anemic and am on presription Ferrous Sulfate, nearly 1000 milligrams a day. Here's the medical advice I was given; don't take iron with dairy--dairy products work like Pepto-Bismol to coat the stomach and block the absorption of iron. *Do* take iron with vitamin C, it helps iron to absorb. This is from my doctor. My levels are already rising. Good luck!
   — CaseyinLA

June 12, 2001
I had the same problem as you. The answer: Milk of Magnesium. I only use it when I feel like I haven't had proper bowel movements. (Turns poop into soup)
   — Jennifer S.

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