Can you have surgery if you are at risk for Celiac Disease or Sprue?

I have a family member w/Celiac Disease and I understand that it puts me at risk... will I still be able to have surgery? What if they find out I it have before surgery, What if it is sometime after? Im a bit afraid to tell the surgeon this because I am afraid of being denied the procedure. Any info would be greatly apprecitated! :)    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 13, 2001)

July 13, 2001
Both my mom and her sister, (my aunt) have celiac sprue disease. I was tested negative for it a year ago. I told this to my surgeon, and he in turn told the Insurance Co. I got approved in 7 weeks. It is my understanding, (but I may be wrong), that having WLS is good for at risk people for Celiac. With this disease, you cannot have any wheat. Wheat is in so many things. Every carb (from bread like product) has it in it. With this surgery, we cannot have too many of Carbs. Hence making you less at risk. If you have been diagnosed with Celiac, the less wheat you eat, the better your symptoms are. Celiac is a disease that is reversable in about half of the people. SOme people are so much affected by this, they will never recover. I hope I was able to help, if I confused you any more, feel free to email me. (Though I am not a doctor). :)
   — Annie R.

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