Can too much protein make you gain weight?

I'm 8 weeks postop,last week I was down 55lbs.I decided to go on a low carb(under20),hight protein (95), 700 cal diet. Trying to reach the 60lbs mark.Today,only 4 days doing this,have gained 8lbs.I just want to cry!!!! I drink one real meals(in two sittings) one cottage cheese serving and one EAS drink. Go to bed hungery thinking it's worth it.I'm cursed!!! Help!!Isabel    — Chiqui (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
Sounds to me like you have put your body in starvation mode. You shouldn't be going to bed hungry. I eat 3 meals a day and usually have a snack as well as a protein shake. I have experienced some 'head hunger' but I sure think you are not eating enough. Also could it be pms time? We tend to retain water then. Hugs....
   — Sharon1964

January 15, 2003
Hi Isabel...don't beat yourself up on this, just dust off and go forward. I am 9 months post op and down 101# and feeling super. Your Dr. gave you a regimen that works. Stick with that and try not to reinvent the wheel by picking yet another "diet". We all got to this point because diets don't work but this surgery does and this tool will help you get there if you work with it and work with the ground rules. Small quantity, protein first, lots of water, low carbs, no sugar. Protein is important so if you can't get it from your foods which in the beginning you can't, find a good protein supplement. I went through about 10 before settling on ProScore 100 which Vitalady recommended and I love it (chocolate). I use 2 scoops with about 6 oz of 1 or 2% milk (some use water if milk is a problem), about a l/2 c of ice and a little sf instant chocolate pudding mix to heighten the flavor. Blend and yum. I have this in AM and about 40 min later breakfast then go through the day with bal. of meals. Make sure you are getting in exercise - I did not do this as well and I really should have. And...repeat after me: I am not cursed! I am succeeding! My best to you.
   — AJC750

January 15, 2003
Hun, you don't have to be hungry. This surgery is not a diet! Try eating several small meals a day. At your stage I was consuming about 800 calories a day. I think your protein idea is in the right vein but you need to 1) keep your body out of starvation mode by consuming enough calories and 2) spread out your calories throughout the day to keep your metabolism steady. A little carbs are ok. Don't cut them out completely or you'll feel crappy. Also are you working out? If you're gaining muscle you'll be heavier but smaller. Just keep at it. Your body can't maintain its weight on what you're eating!
   — ctyst

January 15, 2003
The other posters are right, re-think as to why you chose to have surgery, was it to continue dieting or to make better choices to become healthy for you and your family. Be kind to yourself. I eat 3 meals and one protein shake a day, some days I find that I also need a snack (a piece of cheese, meat, fruit...) I best way to succeed is to re-learn how to eat. Basically you are fasting, and it's not healthy. I know all to well, the feeling of - I just wish it was coming off faster... But guess what? One day you wake up and you feel hip bones for the first time. Then you can sit up without rolling on your side... the list goes on.. and on... This is an amazing journey, slow down and enjoy it. Exercise, drink water and keep the protein up and enjoy yourself! I wish you the best of luck!
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
Personally my daily requirements are at least 72 grams of protein per day, and between 27-42 grams of fat. I usually keep the fat grams on the low end. As far as carbs go, I log everything in and try not to have more than 30% of my calories come from carbs. Some days I eat more carbs, other days less. Don't beat yourself up and don't try to "diet". The surgery is your tool and you're still in the early learning stages. Most of the time I eat 5 times a day, sometimes more, there's days I'm just plain hungry, but I do protein first, then if I have room for fruits and veggies eat them. I usually don't eat any more protein after I meet my 72 grams, figuring I could use the vitamins that the fruits and veggies have to offer. Today, I'm almost 7 months post-op, feel great and no longer consider myself to be on a "lifetime diet", relax you will get to know your tool. -87 lbs :) and still going.....Good luck to you!!
   — stacjean

January 15, 2003
The others are right in that you are not eating enough food. I know that trying to eat less and go to bed hungry used to work when you were pre-op, but post-op, its the opposite. Your body needs fuel and you should be fueling it constantly thru the day. If your body thinks that you are starving it, it will stop the weight loss or in your case, gain. So, start eating very small frequent meals with protein first, then veggie and then fruit. And are you drinking enough water?? That is critical as fat leaves our body thru the urine. So up the water, up the exercise, and eat more frequently. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

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