twice last week and all day today I feel like I'm going to drop

I had open RNY almost 4 weeks ago. I've been eating high protein foods. not real good about protein shakes, etc. PLEASE HELP.    — Sue C. (posted on August 25, 2002)

August 25, 2002
Gosh, I can recall being exhausted in the beginning. It lasted almost six weeks, as I recall. Be sure and take your vitamins and any power naps you can fit in :-) Healing just takes time. Having our insides rearranged is a major thing. It gets better, I promise!
   — Barbara B.

August 25, 2002
hello sue :) what you are feeling is completely normal, your body has had a major undertaking , in time you will feel so much better especially as the weight starts to come off more and more. i have tons of energy now but even at my stage of post op i still have days where in zonked best of luck to you and it will get better i promise hang in there !
   — carrie M.

August 25, 2002
Drop from exaustion?? OR dizziness?? If exaustion, you may be doing to much too soon. You need to give your body time to adjust to your decreased calorie intake. If dizziness, you could be a little dehydrated, OR, if you are on blood pressure medication it could be time to get those adjusted. Good Luck!!
   — Vicki L.

August 25, 2002
Worse late in afternoon like 4PM? Thats when are circidian rythym changes ad was top time for me to get dizzy. It eventually went away. Check your BP at a grocery store at your dizzy time of day, and do check with a doc. Mine eventually went away. Had to get of ALL prescription drugs:) JOY!
   — bob-haller

August 25, 2002
About your protein shakes....I too was not getting my protein in at 4 wks out. Please if you have not tried designer whey from GNC...TRY IT!! It is so good and I never imagined I would say that about a protein drink. You can also buy a smaller can ($17.99) instead of paying way to much for the huge can to find you don't like it. I like to mix it with 1/2% milk, ice and banana sometimes.
   — DRutherford

August 25, 2002
Have you been taking your B12 pills?
   — heathercross

August 26, 2002
Are you taking all of your vitamins? I take 2 chewable centrum daily, 1 ferro sequel iron supplement and 1000 mg of B-12 either in liquid form or sublingual. Surprisingly, I have felt almost normal after 3 weeks when my pain was gone in my abdomen. It just gets better each day and now I'm almost 6 weeks out and feel completely normal except for this scar on my belly! LOL! I was lucky and got to take 6 weeks off of work which has helped tremendously. Not everyone can be that lucky, I think. Take it easy and don't over do it. Remember that taking those vitamins and iron help that protein do it's job in healing our bodies. Good Luck!!
   — Janine B.

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