

August 30, 2002
I believe that it is standard procedure to be catherized during the surgery. I know that I was. It wasn't bad at all.
   — Dawn M.

August 30, 2002
When you have any surgery, they put in a catheder...They didn't put mine in until after they put me out, and when they took it out, it didn't hurt that much, just alittle sting...
   — lily1968

August 30, 2002
Yes, I believe this is a standard procedure. My husband had gallbladder surgery and requested they put the cath in after he was a sleep and make sure it was out before he woke up. It is much more painful for a male to have a cath then female so if this is your concern I would request as he did.
   — Robin B.

August 30, 2002
Everyone where I had surgery gets cathederized while they are asleep. It didn't bother me until it came out. A bit of a sting. Same thing with the G Tube. No big deal in either case. I was nervous about that because I am a guy but no problems. That is the least of your problems, believe me.
   — Lawrence R.

August 30, 2002
Actually, I wasn't catherized until well after my surgery. My surgeon does not do it for the surgery itself. It's motivation to get out of bed post op. However, they do require that you use the bathroom within 8 hours. If you can not do that, that's when they put in the catheter. I was seeing so many "yes, they always do" had to put my two cents in.--Tiffany =)
   — Tiffany D.

August 30, 2002
I honestly don't know if I was or not!!! If I was, it went in after the anesthetic, and came out before it wore off. I didn't feel anything that would have led me to believe one was ever there, but I dunno.
   — Heather K.

August 30, 2002
I'm an OR RN. No, not every surgery patient has a catheter. In fact, very few actually do. Many surgeons prefer you have one for major abdominal surgeries. If your bladder is extended it can either accidentally be injured by retractors and other instruments or could displace the bowel or other organs. Also, if they are working in the kidney area a catheter can help us see that there is blood in the urine, telling us the kidney may have been damaged. My doctor does not put one in for this, but I had one over night when I had my C-Section and it was nothing. Also, they are much easier to insert in men unless they have prostate problems and do not hurt them either coming out, they do just sting.
   — Deborah R.

August 30, 2002
You are talking about a urinary cather? As for me, I always ask them to put one in while I'm under. (I usually can't pee for around 24 hours after general anesthesia). As far as it hurting more for a man, than a woman. I TOTALLY AGREE. I've been on both sides, and I know that for a fact. ;)
   — Danmark

August 30, 2002
I am pretty sure EVERYONE gets catherized during surgery. They usually do it after they put you under, and my surgeon wanted it in for 24 hours after surgery. You really don't notice it, and it is nice not to have to get up and constantly go potty right after surgery. When they take it out, it just feels like a little pinch. For me, I have trouble urinating after surgery because the anesthesia seems to put my bladder muscles to sleep. I had to keep getting chaterized after they took it because I couldn't go on my own. Dont worry about it is really nothing compared to the surgery. Good Luck!
   — Shawnie S.

August 30, 2002
My catheter was my best friend after surgery. I was TOO sick to even think about getting out of bed. I begged them to leave it in longer so I wouldn't have to move. Believe me, you will not mind the catheter AT ALL..
   — Joi G.

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