Has anyone been able to have LAP RNY who has already had an OPEN Gallbladder removal?

I have read that you are not a candidate for LAP surgery if you have had previous abdominal surgery. Like most people, I assume, I would MUCH rather have it done Lap as opposed to OPEN. But, afraid that I won't be able to because I had an OPEN gallbladder removal. I know, I will ask my doctor when I see him in two weeks...but I would like to know of others who have accomplished this. Thanks for your help.    — Courtney Durham (posted on November 6, 2002)

November 6, 2002
I had gallblader surgery in June '96 and I had Lap RNY May 29, 2002. The Doctor said if there is a lot of scare tissue he may have to open me up, but for the most part he has never had to open anyone up due to prior gallbladder removal. I think it all depends on your scare tissue and how skilled the doctor is. My doctor is the best in my opinion and he had no problems with this at all. Each person is different though.
   — Cindy M.

November 6, 2002
I had gallbladder surgery years ago when Lap was not even an option! I had Lap RNY on 3/402. Everything went swimmingly.
   — ZaZa F.

November 6, 2002
Courtney, My name is Linda and I had open gall bladder surgery back in the early 1990's. I was able to have a lap gastric bypass in Sept. with no complications or problems. But everyone is different so be sure to check with your doctor.
   — Linda K.

November 6, 2002
How funny that you ask. I am going through the same thing right now. I was told by my doctor that they would not know until they open me up.
   — Kendra A.

November 6, 2002
You are probally right. I had hysterectomy in 1989 and my surgeon said he would only do my RNY as an open (may 8-01). However to my great surprise my gallbladder was able to come out (march 1-02) as a LAP! So at least that helped.
   — Danmark

November 6, 2002
My mom had her appendix/gallbladder out open in the late 70's and she had lap rny on 8-23-02 and did just fine. My surgeon said that the problems occur if women had female surgeries done (hystrectomy,ceserian,ovaries, etc.sorry about the spelling) prior to this it is harder to do and can run into complications causing it to have to be done open instead. But, with gallbladder or appendix he said it usually is not a problem. RK
   — Robin B.

November 6, 2002
Courtney, I am sooooo glad you asked this. I had heard the same thing. I am 1 yr post op from an open gallbladder removal and was real afraid I would have to go open again.
   — Julie S.

November 6, 2002
I had open gb surgery 11/86, one month after a big old vertical incision cesarean. Then had another cesarean with a tubal ligation 12/91. THEN, I had my lap rny on 7/19/02 from my wonderful wt loss surgeon. He had no problems at all, and in addition, he removed some adhesions from the gb surgery that had caused me some major pain. What a wonderful guy!!! Hugs, Diana S.
   — dibie1221

November 6, 2002
Wow, I'm so glad all of you were able to get lap done. I had the old long gallbladder surger when I was 16 (27 years ago lol). My surgeon took a look at my scar (the C-sections weren't an issue) and said he'd prefer doing open. His point was that if he started to do lap, chances are he could very well (most likely) have to open me up anyway. He said he felt more comfortable telling me that up front. As others have said, it depends on you, the scar, and the doctor. Be sure to ask the surgeon to be completely upfront about it. Good luck.
   — Mary Ann B.

November 6, 2002
Hello, I had two open gall bladder surgeries because the first surgeon left a clip in me. Dr. Foster did lap RNY on Oct 21/02. She was set up to open just in case. It was success with no problems so far. Each surgeon is different like everyone says tho. I also had a ceserian section the same time as second gall bladder. I may just be lucky. Good luck to you and think POSITIVE!!!
   — becky E.

November 6, 2002
Courtney, I had open gall bladder surgery 3 months after my daughter was born ceaserean. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and thought I would never feel good again. Well, four weeks ago I had LAP RYN nad it was a breeze for me. Thank God!!! My doctor did warn me that he might have to do open RYN if there was too much scar tissue but when it came time for the surgery - he was ble to do it Lap even though there was a lot of scar tissue. The surgery took a bit longer than other Laps surgeries but I'm so thankful that I had a good doctor and one that knew what he was doing. I never used any pain medication and was up and walking that night. After the first week (and a 15 lb. weight loss) my doctor told me to start on solid foods and add a new food each time I ate. Well, I don't want to hurry my new stomach so I'm being pretty picky about what I try. I cannot take Glucerna (a diabetic protein shake) as it makes me dump BAD. My dumping is so different from most people. I don't get nauseated or throw up. I do get abdominal cramping, chills and diarehea. So far, the Glucerna is the only thing that has caused dumping so bad. Juices will cause mild dumping if I don't dilute them and yes, I am using 100% juice. I tolerate most foods well. I did try roasted chicken once and could not stand the was one of my favorite foods. Coffee is another thing that I used to love and can no longer tolerate the taste. We are all different and just have to learn by trial and error. It's 3 weeks now and I've lost about 31 lbs. I can't really tell a difference in my looks but when I put on clothes I can see the difference. My energy level is pitiful. I went back to work the Monday following surgery on the previous Tuesday. My doctor ok's it and I have done fine BUT I go to bed by 6:30. I need to exercise more. Well, if you'd like to ask anything else, please feel free to email me at DebinAla@aol. I'm excited and feeling great these days!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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