I have terrible loose skin. I could put rubber bands on my bat wings, inner thighs

I believe my apron of skin & fat is causing back pain. How do I go about getting insurance to cover plastic surgery? I have lost 160 pounds and want to lose another 70 or so.Any creative ideas out there? Thanks, mar    — marilyn P. (posted on November 25, 2002)

November 24, 2002
Aetna has a policy for the abdominoplasty, take a look on their website at They do not have any policy for bat wings or thigh lifts, I would think that they would be very hard to get covered, but you could always try it!!
   — Vicki L.

November 25, 2002
Hi...I am also convinced that my stomach and droopy breasts are causing this constant backache I have that's only relieved when I lay down and get the pressure off my spine and muscles. I'm seeing my PCP this Wednesday to discuss being referred for plastic surgery. I've lost 86 lbs., with about 30 more to go (at least 10-15 of which is skin). I, unfortunately have Kaiser, which is not very liberal about covering ANY plastics unless the skin is REALLY in my heart I'm not hoping for this much. But I have to try. If you have rashes, TAKE PICTURES...document them and make sure to tell your doc. I think with your massive weight loss, you're certainly going to have an easier time than I will. Much good luck! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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