Anyone still feel bloated after having their hernia repair?

I had a hernia repair and abdominoplasty on 4/23. I never lost any sizes with the surgery which I've been disappointed in. I also still have a protruding belly. I keep trying to tell myself that at 175 lbs, I should unfortunately, but I guess the docs kept telling me how big the hernia was, I kept thinking I would have a flatter tummy after the repair and tummy tuck. Anyhow, I still feel quite bloated all the time. Also, my stomach from the new navel down is quite numb and when I do any abdominal exercises, it's extremely hard to do them. My original surgeon for the hernia repair couldn't do it the day of surgery and some other guy in the school of medicine did it. I keep wondering if he did a decent job or not. I've also been having a pain in my left side since this past Sunday. It's not near the hernia repair area, but I wonder if it's related in anyway. Anyone with some insight?    — Tparker (posted on September 2, 2004)

September 2, 2004
I, too had a hernia repair that was quite extensive and a tt at the same time this past July. I can't say I went down a size, but I did drop nearly 14 pounds (after all the fluid retention subsided etc), and have a VERY FLAT tummy. The question I have is "did your surgeon repair the hernia with MESH? and did they do a full abdominal muscle repair or did they do a Panni repair?" There is a difference in how your end result would be based on the difference between the 2 surgeries. I would pursue a RE-EVALUATION of your abdomen with either your own personal physician, or ANOTHER BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON. If your health care insurance paid for this, I'd contact them as well. I wish you good health and good luck.
   — zena X.

September 2, 2004
Hi. Sometimes with a hernia repair it is a bit more difficult to really tighten the abdominal muscles. But by 3-5 months after surgery, you should be at about your final result. Liposuction can prolong swelling too. The numbness usually resolves by a year, although the area right above the incision is often permanently numb.
   — DrL

September 2, 2004
I had mesh put in. It seems if I press just a little bit, I can feel the outside edge of the mesh. I do so wonder if the surgeon that did the hernia repair did a good job. It may just be I don't like the fact he was a pinch hitter and I'm really upset my original surgeon didn't do it himself. I have every confidence in his skill, but I have to say I didn't like him pawning me off to someone else. His excuse was he was involved in another case that took longer than he expected, but I was the first case of the morning so I don't know how that could happen. I do realize they have about 25 operating rooms going on at the same time, but... Anyhow, I really thought I would go down at least one size if not two. I did lose about 8 lbs from the surgery and I had really hoped this bloated feeling would go away. I'll just try to be patient and hope the numbness eventually goes away.
   — Tparker

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