How long before you were somewhat comfortable again? How long til you drove?

How long before you were somewhat comfortable again? How long til you drove?    — jersey girl (posted on November 27, 2004)

November 27, 2004
I drove after about 5 days only because I was stir crazy and needed to get out of the house for a little while and visit some friends. However, that was definitely not recommended or approved by my doc. I did not go back to driving on a regular basis till around 2 weeks PO. It all depends on whether you are on narcotic meds or not for pain. I was off them by day 5 so I knew from that standpoint it was safe to drive. I figured I was in no more danger driving than if I was riding. It was also about a week after my upper torso lift and medial thigh lift surgeries that I started driving. Granted I didn't do a lot, just around the city for what I absolutely needed to do. Listen to your body!
   — zoedogcbr

November 27, 2004
I was told 14 days until I could drive and many doctors want you off of the narcotic pain killer before you drive for obvious reasons. I was comfortable at about 7 days PO and I had open RNY.
   — ChristineB

November 28, 2004
I was pretty comfortable by the 3rd or 4th day following surgery. My doctor told me to not drive until I had quit taking the narcotic pain relievers, so it I was up and going pretty quick.
   — Cathy S.

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