Drinking Alcohol

I am 6 weeks post-op. I was wondering if I am able to drink a glass of wine or a beer. Are you allowed to have a occasional drink???    — Sherry K. (posted on June 20, 2005)

June 20, 2005
I was told no Alcohol at all. not even wine or a beer.
   — ritamytweety

June 20, 2005
NO if you have one glass of wine it will hit you hard. I know several people that are years out post-op and they get drunk faster
   — brendam1867

June 20, 2005
I will be 2 years out next month and do drink alcohol. Many of us Post Ops do. Just like anything, moderation is the key. Good luck! Theresa
   — TheresaC

June 20, 2005

June 20, 2005
Not particulary recommended at least not yet. You should wait awhile and at lest discuss it with you surgeon before embarking on drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind. Not withstnding wine and beer are extremly high in non utritious calories (simple sugars/and carbohydrates of the high glycaemic indexed types. This stuff can seriously interfer with your weight loss if you start drinking alcoholic beverages too early. You could be as others have noted, a one glass drunk. I take a little alcohol from time to time, mostly when we go out for dinner. One glass of anything is my absolute limit as I don't want to be carried home! Be very cautious with alcohol if you are driving otherwise you might even get picked up by the highway patrol and perhaps lose your Driving licence.
   — Lise K.

June 20, 2005
I just went through my classes and they told me that it is best especially the first year not to partake of any alcohol. After the first year then you can in moderation but beware that it will hit you much harder because it moves into the blood stream much faster. As far as Beer that should be a no no forever. I know a lot of people do drink carbonation but it is proven as fact to stretch the new stomach. I would stay forever away from beer and anything with bubbles. As far as wine is concerned after your first year very little should be okay but with anything ask your doctor. :D Good luck!! ~lorie~
   — lorie_nicole

June 20, 2005
It appears that I am in the minority. I had a glass of wine now and then after six weeks. Nothing horrible happened. Don't do hard liquor for awhile. Your body reacts much differently. Do not drive, and be sure you are not alone, until you know how your body will react. I like my wine, figure it in with my calories and exercise. Do not get me wrong. Drinking a bottle a night could get you in serious trouble. Hope this helps.
   — lindarodham6

June 20, 2005
I am nearly 3 years post-op and occasionally do have a glass, but for the most part do not partake more than once or twice a year at the most. The alcohol just hits me too hard and it's empty calories.
   — Cathy S.

June 21, 2005
I wouldn't touch it this early out, give it 6 months to a year. Even then I would tread carefully. Beer will make you more uncomfortable than wine, but it's not going to stretch anything, that's why we burp. :) It takes longer than 6 weeks to completely heal, especially on the inside...I'd wait a bit longer.
   — RebeccaP

June 21, 2005
Just go easy on it. I did not have wine until after 3 mos out, my choice, could not tolerate it well. I am 2 years out and beer is hard to drink, I can have Half a bottle not much more, no problem with wine, except you will get very high if you are not careful. MaryLyn
   — Kriola

June 21, 2005
I am now 2 years out but upon reflection I had a glass of wine at 3 weeks out and did just fine. Wine will snocker you really fast so sip very slow. I wouldn't try beer yet, the carbonation will be uncomfortable.
   — Sarah S.

June 21, 2005
Sherry, I waited till I was about a month out, I dont like wine so I drank beer NO PROBLEM, but what is weird I cant drink soda??? No lost though. The carbonation is different I think in beer then soda, because soda really bothers my stomach. I have beers every saturaday night when we bowl in Bowling season. And in the summer when we have company every saturaday night which is always at my house we drink beer. The first few times I got Buzzed easier but having beer now is like before I had the operation. Just always remember to be Careful. Well take Care and Good Luck. Christine Clymire 151 lbs on the losing side :)
   — blainejrjeni

June 22, 2005
I dont like beer so I dont drink it. I am almost 2 years post op. I love wine but man does it take me for a loop. Its hits hard and fast, knocks me right out... I had my first glass of wine about 6 months post op. Its ok just be responsible with it..
   — Jeanine K.

June 22, 2005
MY ANSWER WOULD BE NO NO AND NO - ITS WAY TOO SOON to start drinking, but of course you are an adult and the final decision is yours - I would wait at least 7 - 12 months and then it should be a 1/2 a glass of wine. You might get drunk from small amounts as your body absorbs differently now.
   — Anna M.

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