Holes in incision?

I am a little over three weeks post-op. I had my staples out at two weeks, and ever since then, I've had some drainage from my incision and I'm noticing that I have these big holes. I don't know how to explain it. But I'm so scared. How do you know if you have an infection? Thanks in advance!    — Shanti M. (posted on May 16, 2000)

May 16, 2000
I had some drainage from two of my lap incisions. First thing, CALL YOUR SURGEON. Tell him exactly what's going on and describe the discharge. Is it clear, pinkish, cloudy, yellow? Be specific. Next, is there any redness, swelling or heat in the area of the drainage? There may be some irritation from the constant moisture, but if it's otherwise fine, and the discharge is more clear than cloudy, you probably don't have an infection. But the only way to find out is to call your surgeon or see your local physician. Don't wait! And in the meantime, don't be scared, because drainage is quite common and is usually harmless.
   — Duffy H.

May 16, 2000
I too have the same holes you are talking about. I called my doctor and he told me that the drainage is normal and that I should just keep the openings clean. He did not seem concerned in the least. I will visit him again on Friday for my 1 month post op and I will see what he has to say about them then. Mine also started at about week 2 and they are already looking better. I have to change the gauze only once a day now. Hope this helps. Of course, if you are extremely concerned it is always best to talk with your doctor.
   — Tony H.

May 16, 2000
Drainage of this sort is typically Fat Necrosis. Fat does not have a blood supply, so when it's disturbed, like when you cut it open or mess with it in surgery, it dies. When Fat dies it liquifies, thus the drainage. It may or may not become infected. Keep close tabs with your doctor. BTW, I had it too :-)
   — Alicia B.

May 16, 2000
Another thing to be aware of is, is there an odor? If there is then it is likely that it is an infection. You certainly want to get it checked out, but I don't think it's anything to worry too much about. Wash is at least twice daily with an antibacterial soap (Dial Gold Bar is good), and a round of antibiotics should clear it right up.
   — Tina H.

May 16, 2000
When my incision was leaking I was told to keep it clean and covered. I was also told that if the drainage had a foul odor that meant it was infected.
   — Linda F.

May 16, 2000
Shanti, I am a wound care specialist. If you have an infection, you may have a fever, redness around the incision, and a foul smelling drainage. How big are the holes and how many are there. Does it look like the incision is pulling apart,or are these small openings where the staples were? What color is the drainage? Now please go to your doctor right away, instead of second guessing. It is better to be seen by him. Good Luck, Sue [email protected]
   — Sue M.

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