How can i gain 5 lbs in 1 day?

i check and double checked and sure enough i gained 5 lbs in one day. how can that be. i'm on my monthy. could it be water gain? this is so mind blowing. here i thought i was doing good.. man what a bad day...has this happend to anyone else.. please i need your help..    — enriqueta C. (posted on June 28, 2001)

June 27, 2001
DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY. A person's (especially a woman's) weight can vary as much as 10 lbs in a 24 hour period. It could be water retention, having just ate a big meal, or whatever. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time on the same day. If you obsess about it and weigh yourself everyday, you'll just get discouraged.
   — Amy E.

June 27, 2001
I agree with Amy. It could be water retension. I've had problems with water retension for 8 years. I can pee out 5-10 lbs in one day if I forget to take my pills regularly. But it also good advice to NOT weigh yourself everyday. It's a temptation, but resist it. ;)
   — Danmark

June 27, 2001
Enriqueta, I gained 8 pounds overnight in March! Just as I had gotten down to my lowest adult weight, BOOM! it hit me. I traced it back to the week before, when I had donated blood. It seems that one of the causes of immediate edema is protein starvation in the blood - so I think it was my body's way of overcompensating to make up for the blood loss. I was so upset! I thought for sure that I was done losing - worse yet, that I was working my way back up the scale. It took a month, but I finally got those 8 pounds off. Hang in there. As long as you keep doing what you're doing, those 5 pounds will just be a bad memory. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

June 28, 2001
i make it a point to only weigh myself once a week that's why it blew my mind. i checked my weight before i went to the doctor. 235, at the doctor it was 240. then i came home and sure enough it said 240 on my scale.. i do hope it's just water weight.. again thanks for your kind words.. sincerely queta carrillo
   — enriqueta C.

August 14, 2001
Absolutely fluid gain. I have been known to gain 10 lbs the week prior to my monthly...thank heaven I am almost done with that awful stage of life. :)
   — Marie K.

August 14, 2001
I go up and down daily. I know because I weigh myself every morning. Now, I know I'm not supposed to do that, but the way I get away with it is I consider myself at the lowest weight I have weighed. If the scale goes up, it doesn't count. If the scale goes down, I get a boost for the day! You will continue to lose weight if you use your "tool" the way it should be used. So don't worry about temporary setbacks and look to your achievements for inspiration!
   — ctyst

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