I am 3 wks post-op/lap rny and came down with a nasty cold 2 days ago.

I have been sneezing like crazy and the most bizarre thing happened during one of these sneezing attacks. I threw out my lower back and had to go to the emergency room. The question I have is they gave me 3 demerol shots into my lower back and gave me 2 for tylenol w/ codeine and the other for liquid valium. I just took the tylenol and not even 5 minutes later I had horrible nausea. It lasted 45 min. I am too scared now to take the valium but am in tremendous pain. Is liquid valium ok for us to take. I explained the surgery to the ER doc., she was not familiar with it at all but said it was perfectly fine to take the valium. I would appreciate any feedback you all can give me. Thank you. Lori    — Lori M. (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
You need to call YOUR SURGEON first thing Monday morning and ask if the Valium is okay to take. Many medicines contain a lot of sugar and can make post ops dump. I too acquired a bad cold just days after I had my surgery. It set my recovery back 4 weeks! Your body doesn't have enough antibodies this soon after surgery to try and fight a cold and try to get you healed from surgery. My surgeon put me on an antibiotic and mandated an extra 3 weeks off from work. This is a serious situation for a new pre-op. PLEASE see or at least call your doctor as soon as possible.
   — vbenedict0208

December 30, 2001
I agree with Lee, call your surgeon ASAP and review these heavy duty drugs that were prescribed for you. Tylenol with codeine makes a lot of people nauseous, especially if taken on an empty stomach. Not sure why they're prescribing's an anti-anxiety medication. Perhaps you were very anxious about the whole episode (I would be, too!). But the Valium is not a painkiller. Anyway, enough of my non-professional advice...ask your doc as soon as possible. I hope your back feels better soon! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2001
The Valium is probably to relax the muscles in your back. Nina
   — [Deactivated Member]

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