Is anyone having pains on both sides of their incision?

About one week ago I had to go to the hospital and let them go into my stomach too retrieve some chicken that had gotten lodged--I burped and belched with every breath for about 24 hours straight before I went to the dr. I have been hurting on both sides of my incision since then. It hurts to laugh, it hurts to lay on my stomach, and it hurts to get up after sitting down. Has anyone gone thru this before?    — Michelle S. (posted on October 14, 2002)

October 14, 2002
I bet you did alot of heaving when the chicken was stuck too. My bet is that is is muscle strain. Hope that you feel better soon.
   — Vicki L.

October 14, 2002
you know it is funny that you posted that question! I am having the same thing. I can't sit, can't lay, every breath hurts. It hurts mainly on the left side and lower tummy when you figure out what it is let me know ok? I was thinking about going to the ER
   — nicole79

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