I would like to know if I can eat fresh fruit and fresh veggies

I would like to know if I can eat fresh veggies and fresh fruit I know that I can't have raw veggies now but cook ones I was told that I could but what about fruits like melons , grapes I will staying away from bread had bad experience with it. I have been eating fish, chicken, soups, some rice, eggs, cottage cheese I want to know what to eat or if I am eating the right stuff now.    — Ronda F. (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003
I eat a lot of fresh fruits & veggies. I eat a lot of salads but at 4 weeks I didn't eat as much. I am at 4 months post op and I still don't like oranges too much...they just don't sit well. But I eat a lot of grapes, strawberries & peaches. My best advice is don't buy a lot of anything as you may not like it. Good luck.
   — Tracy A.

March 17, 2003
hiya. i was told to not eat raw fruits/veggies for first 6 months post op because: 1. difficult to digest (really need to be chewed super thoroughly, 2. can cause blockage (especially broccoli, cauliflower, carrots), 3. seeds (from like strawberries) could get caught in pouch where it's healing and cause problems... that said, i ate grapes and watermelon (chewed and spit it out) around 4 weeks post op, but all other fruits/veggies came from cans. the benefit of canned fruits/veggies is that the canning process makes them so the break down easily in our systems and they are soft so it lessens the risk of blockage. i would rinse the fruit off before eating it. hope this helps... kate
   — jkb

March 17, 2003
I was told to not eat grapes or cherries because they are SO high in sugar. Eat all you want of the Melon family. I have not had my surgery yet so I am not speaking from experience. Best Wishes. Diane lap rny 03-27-03
   — Diane B.

March 17, 2003
My dr recommended no highly acidic things for the first 6 weeks (citrus fruit, tomatoes, citrus juice, etc.). After that, I was released to eat whatever I could tolerate. I ate some fruits and veggies (of course my focus was on high-protein) but the only one that gave me trouble was eggplant. I didn't WANT broccoli for a while (I love it just barely cooked and it is a little hard to digest that way) but now I love it and eat it all the time. Once your dr releases you to regular food, I would think it means just that: regular food. My dr rightly told me I would be able to tell pretty quickly what I could tolerate and what I could not! ;) Just keep your protein intake up. When you are so early postop you are not eating very much to begin with, so you'll need to make most of it protein. The other stuff is just to keep you from going stark raving mad! LOL
   — ctyst

March 17, 2003
When I ate graped for the first time (like 4 weeks post-op), I got horrific heartburn...Can eat them just fine now...Good luck to you!...Karen (lap rny- 6 mons. post- down 119 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

March 17, 2003
I know that fresh fruits and veggies are supposed to be the hardest to digest. But in the first few months they were what went down the easiest with me. I started eating salads and fruit at about 4 weeks post op. I hated all meats for about the first four or five months. Watermelon was one of my favorites and it helped up the fluid intake. I have never had a problem with grapes either.
   — Linda A.

March 17, 2003
Fresh fruits and veggies have been very hard for me to digest, but I hope that will change eventually. Also, rice should be a no-no right now. Any foods that swell like rice or grits should be limited in your tiny pouch.
   — thumpiez

March 17, 2003
I was also told no raw fruits and vegetables for 6 months. I am currently 5 wks post-op and am sticking with canned fruits and vegetables, although I would love a ceasar salad right now! lol
   — Lisa C.

March 17, 2003
As you can see the answers are all over the map. Each doctor/surgeon/nutritionist has a different food plan for their patients. Have you asked your doctor? As for me, I had salad at 5 weeks post-op, fruits at 4 weeks post-op, like melons, canned fruits, pineapple. Hard crunchy veggies were at about 6 weeks, chewed well.
   — Cindy R.

March 17, 2003
Ronda, It's critical that you follow your doctor's advice. That being said, if he's ok with it, tyr watermelon, honeydew, etc. They worked great for me starting about 5 weeks out. Oranges still make me dump for some reason, but after about 2 months, I was eating a few grapes, blueberries, and fresh pineapple. I avoid canned fruits due to the sugar in the fruit juice used when canning. However, I'm also lucky enough to have a mother who cans her own peaches without sugar or fruit juice so I can have those with no problems. I'm almost 22 months post-op and fruit is how I get my sweets. I'm addicted to eating a grapefruit as an after dinner snack...I just add Splenda and it makes me happy. That's my desert. I eat 3 small meals a day and 3 snacks. My snacks are morning-fruit, afternoon-peanut butter crackers from the vending machine, and after dinner either grapefruit or watermelon, whichever is in season. Good luck...
   — Teri D.

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