Anyone here have fatal food allergies?

All my life I've had severe peanut and shellfish allergies that have gotten progressively worse as I've gotten older, as in I go into anaphylactic shock. I'm super careful about what I eat, and read labels very carefully, but pre-op if I ever had a reaction, I would take an injection of Benadryl. Is anyone here dependent on Benadryl injections or epinephrine injections to control anaphylactic reactions? Has it been a problem for you post-op? Has anyone ever had a severe reaction to food and how (medicine-wise) did you deal with it? Just curious...    — marilise (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 12, 2003
I am not as bad as you but very allergic to nuts. A bit of a whole grain bagel nearly put me in the hospital one day. The main problem appears that moist protein bars include nuts or are processed in plants that handle nuts. Other than that it hasnt been a issue.
   — bob-haller

September 12, 2003
Hi Marilise- I personally don't have any severe food allergies but had to write about an experience my sister in law had: My sister in law has a severe seafood allergy. One day, we were in a bind and (long story) the only place to eat was a seafood restaraunt. My sister in law ordered chicken soup, asking them clearly if there was any seafood in the soup, and telling the waitress she had a severe allergy. The waitress double checked with the kitchen workers and assured us, there was NO seafood in this soup. My sister in law got violently ill after eating it, and was sick for days. I know I'm a little off topic, I just wanted to let you and others with severe food allergies know to please be extra careful, if you go to a restaraunt that serves the offending food, it may have come in contact with whatever you order. P.S. My sister in law is a nicer person than I am, because I would have called a lawyer. Good Luck to you :o) Mea
   — Mea A.

September 12, 2003
I had anaphylactic shock from a prescribed med pre-op, took bendryl before i went to the hospital and there they gave me ephenedrine. I have had mild med allergies post-op and always take benedryl with no problem.
   — Delores S.

September 13, 2003
I am allergic to tree nuts and, like you, it has gotten more severe over time. I now go into anaphylactic shock as well and always carry an Epi-pen with me. I am 7 mos. post-op and haven't had any exposure since, so I'm not sure how my body will react now. However, I'm hopeful the reaction will be less severe, because... My worst reaction was the day before my period started. When I was pregnant and nursing, the reaction was much less severe - only needed some Benadryl and would be fine. With the change in my hormones since WLS, since estrogen is stored in the fat cells which are shrinking rapidly, I'm hoping the decrease in estrogen in my body will lessen the reaction. I'm no doctor, and have no scientific basis for this hope, but I'm still hoping it makes it better. Otherwise, I'm holding out for menopause to make it better. Meanwhile, I'm still carrying my Epi-pen. Good luck! ;->
   — barbdeane

September 14, 2003
hiya~ i've developed a gluten intolerance since wls so i keep child's benedryl quick dissolve tablets with me in case the reaction is too bad. make sure you have this information on your medic-alert bracelet/necklace... {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

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