iam 5 month post and iam losing my hair .

i get about 90 grams protein aday maybe more and my hair is falling out real fast .and i have not loss weight in one week. can you all help me out .thanks cindy    — cindy M. (posted on January 4, 2004)

January 4, 2004
Don't panic. I went through the same thing, no matter what I did or ate. It does eventually end. For me, I lost hair for about 2 months (5-7 months out). I'm over a year out now, and it's regrowing just fine.
   — jengrz

January 4, 2004
I am 11 months out and mine is still falling out. So I think it has to run it course, for some it is only a couple of months for others it seems to fall out forever. I also get in my protein, but it started falling out at 3 months and has not stopped. But on the bright side I am not bald yet, and my hair was thin to start with.
   — Haziefrog

January 4, 2004
I also started shedding hair, by the handful, at about 3 1/2 months. I am not good at taking protein supplements, but do eat well( including protein). I have had no other problems since the surgery and feel great at approx. 80# less from surgery. I have always had thick hair and worry that I will get bald, but don't know what to do. My protein levels have come back ok in my labs.
   — sherry S.

January 4, 2004
Sounds familiar! Most people do experience some hair loss, especially at the 4-6 month stage. I lost a ton of hair at 5 months. Now at 8 months it is no longer falling out and I have had a small amount of regrowth. But I have read that it can be 2 years before the hair returns to normal. As for not losing in a week - many of us experience plateaus, just like any other diet. I have had 3 plateaus and I am 8 months since surgery. I did not lose a pound in November, in fact a couple of times the scale went up a couple of pounds. Then in December I dropped about 15 pounds all at once. I searched this site for question and answers on plateaus and found that it was perfectly normal. And a lot of people find their weight loss slows down after 6 months. Just make sure you are getting enough protien and not taking in too many carbs. The scale will move again!
   — linda A.

January 5, 2004
I'm one week shy of being 4 months post-op, and I started losing my hair about 2-3 weeks ago. I usually get 2 pretty good-size clumps when I shampoo and comb it. I don't think the protein/vitamins has a whole lot to do with it, from what I've heard others say. I did start taking biotin as part of my daily supplements, but don't really know if it will help. Some have suggested it as helpful. I don't think we'll get bald, but it is kind of scary, I must admit. I've always been pretty fussy about my hair, especially as an MO, since it was a part of my appearance that I actually liked. Of course, I like experimenting with hair, too, so if it gets too bad, I can always get a short haircut, and use the excuse (for my hubby) that it will look better that way until it grows back. Good luck. As for the weight loss, one week is not big deal. I've already had 2-3 weeks, twice, when I didn't lose weight. It has always kept going, though. Lap RNY, 9/11/03, 254/198/???
   — Carlita

January 8, 2004
hi i am 18 mos out and i started to loose hair after 3 mos they told me to take some vitamins for hair with biotin in it so i went to gnc i take there vitamins for hair nails and skin it has the biotin in it and it stopped within a mo so get those vitamins they will help thanks rosemary

January 8, 2004
There is hope out there!! I lost almost half of my hair between months 5 and 10. Thank God it was thick to start with. At 12 months it's coming back and quick. I have all these little wisps of hair that create this halo effect when it's humid (it sticks straight up). Another inch and it might lay flat again. Hang in there. As far as not losing weight in a will happen again and again in your course of weight loss. I found the best thing for me to do was throw out the scale. I was starting to obsess about every pound that was (or wasn't) coming off. Good luck to you - Becky
   — Rebecca M.

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