Frustrated beyond belief! 2.5 Years Post-OP Didn't make it to goal!

2.5 years post op, got down to 185 now at 193 haven't lost any for over a year. Can eat a lot. Like this morning 6:30AM, I had a couple slices of toast, protien drink, small glass of orange juice. 8:00AM hunrgy again! I drink a lot of water, eat mainly protien, if I do eat any sugar I still dump - I try to stay away from sugar...I do not like how it makes me feel so I stay away. I'm not big on chocolate or ice cream anymore. So it's not like I eat horribly. Are there any signs I can look for if I have anything wrong with my pouch? Any suggestions from anyone? I don't feel pain - except for being hungry all the's like it all goes right thru me. I can not tell you what type of surgery I had, my doctor was not the greatest for informing on things...and when I went for my follow ups it felt like he wanted me in and out. So that is why i'm changing doctors, hopefully next Monday i'll know a lot more on what is going on with me. All I know it's depressing when you try to do everything right and everything goes wrong. Thanks everyone!    — Jonna M. (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
I'm still pre-op, so I don't know exactly what you're going through, but from what I understand, aren't we suppoesd to limit carbs (you mentioned toast and OJ), and not drink fluids with solid foods? Or does that rule change after a certain amount of time? If that rule does change after time, do you think that maybe by going back to the rule of no liquids with meals and cutting out carbs, maybe your weightloss will kick into gear?
   — sunneegirl

January 12, 2004
Some days I am so hungry even right after I eat and other days I'm not hungry at all. I'm 13 months postop and the weight loss has slowed --are you maybe loosing inches? Does your surgeon have a dietician you can talk to. I chatted long distance to mine, she suggested soups, s/f hot chocolate,etc just to take the edge off and it helps in the winter. Maybe up your protein and forget the toast and orange juice, when I eat carbs I crave carbs. Best wishes to you, you have done a great job please be happy where you are right now --the rest will come off slowly ---yeah I know I have to tell myself this over and over sometimes its very frustrating. Weight loss surgery is a tool only, thank god we have this tool.
   — debmi

January 12, 2004
Yikes! For me, on that breakfast, I'd be in *BIG* trouble. I'd dump on the toast alone, but toast AND OJ, I'd prolly sleep for 4 hours! Then I'd wake up and eat everything in sight for the rest of the day! <p> Carbs will make me dump, but then they make me crave more for the rest of the day, and the next 2-3 days, too. <p> I have a protein shake upon arising, with pills. Then 2 hours later, I have another shake and pills. About an hour later, I eat something . . . meat, or cheese, usually with a little vegs. An hour or two later, I have another shake and pills. An hour or two later, food. Shake & pills again later. Etc. <p> If you're not getting enough protein or fat, you won't burn fat. And if you're eating too many carbs, you also won't burn fat. <p> I find the Nectar Fuzzy Navel drink to be a great sub for OJ. You can get it at Godd luck . . . :o)
   — RWH G.

January 12, 2004
It's possible that the stoma is too large. I am 2 years and 3 monts post op and I can eat the amounts you mentioned then be hungry again an hour or so later. I was actually concerned yesterday because for lunch I had a bologna sandwich....mind you it consisted of two slices of bread, two slices of bologna, slice of cheese and some lettuce. I wasn't overly stuffed and was hungry again an hour later. My weight loss stalled at about 9 months out and the only reason that I lost the remaining weight was because I had a surgery to remove an ulcer that greatly restricted what I could eat. Just my opinion, but it sounds like your stoma may be too large.
   — RebeccaP

January 12, 2004
Hey Jonna - many of us "long timers" know exactly how you feel. Just a thought - presented in kindness and sincerity - two pieces of toast are loaded with calories and carbs. I don't know what kind of bread it is but if it's regular bread then they have about 80 calories per slice so that's 160 calories. Then your protein drink - what does it have? Say 100 calories? Then the OJ - another 100 or so calories? Just a simple breakfast like that can end up with 400 calories or more and entirely too much sugar and carbs as well. Please know I'm not fussing at you. I'm just getting a handle on these same issues myself. I joined the GetBOT egroup which stands for Get Back On Track and it's helped me tremendously. Last Monday I started an Atkins type program where I really push the protein and avoid white carbs almost completely. I've lost 6 pounds in one week. I'm avoiding bread and sugar and sticking to fruits and veggies when it comes to carbs for now (except on Saturday when I allow myself some leniency). I won't have to eat like this forever but I am working on getting to goal and then I will focus on eating healthy, smaller portions of all the things I like. After just one week I feel 10 times better! The GetBot group works on the honor system and every day you post every single thing you ate. It helps you analyze what you eat and also makes you feel accountable because alot of people are seeing what you eat as well. Then they give you feedback and support and absolutely NO ONE is flamed or bashed regardless of what they eat. If you'd like to join the address is: Hang in there - I know you can do it. I think finding a new surgeon and making sure there are no physical problems is the first step. After that you'll find the motivation to get back on track. I know you can do it!
   — ronascott

January 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone that has posted so far. I should have mentioned the amount of everything. The toast is the light Italiano bread (dry) orange juice was very little - I take a Magnisium supp. that is powder mixed in hot water, I can't hack it alone so I put a little OJ in it. The protien I drink has 100 cal. 20g Protein 4 carbs in it, I use water and not milk. For a snack I eat deer sticks that we made - very little fat at all - smoked sticks. I had a couple for a snack. I wish I dumped on carbs, it would make it so much easier. Thanks again for everyone that posted - I can't wait to talk to my new doctor, I hope it is a mechanical thing that can be fixed, praying! But if not - i'll just have to face the facts.
   — Jonna M.

January 12, 2004
I know that one thing that helps me is to eat only protein for breakfast. If I eat carbs at all for breakfast I starve all day and end up eating more than I should.<p>Also, if you're worried about your pouch size, you might try the cottage cheese test ( It will tell you approximately what your pouch size is. Mine measured in at just under a cup which is normal. If you can't stand the thought of all that cottage cheese, you could use stiff oatmeal like I did. Just not for breakfast! ;)
   — ctyst

January 12, 2004
You are a few months ahead of me, and I am going through the exact same thing! My loss stopped at a year, and I have been slowly adding pounds here and there after fluctuating up and down for a year. The holidays did it to me, but then it wasn't coming back off. I started the South Beach way of eating yesterday. To my surprise, I'm not hungry every 1-2 hours like I was before. I was always SO hungry. Today I actually forgot to eat lunch and then made myself eat around 2. I still wonder if I have a stoma that is too big. My eating habits are so different than when I was a pre-op as I enjoy the healthier foods and repulsed by fatty, fried and sugary foods. I didn't think I would ever have to 'diet'! So, I understand your frustration, and it would be great if you could follow up after you see your new doctor so that those of us going through the same thing can learn from your experience. 250/155/142
   — Cheri M.

January 12, 2004
Jonna, just a little mentioned not knowing the type of surgery you had. Call the Records Department of the hopsital you had surgery at, and ask for a copy of your Op Report. If you do go for a revision, or even if you have any medical problems down the line, this will help your new doctors tremendously. The other obvious benefit is that you'll know what's in your body. :) Good luck, honey!
   — Leslie F.

January 12, 2004
Since you asked for suggestions. I am a firm believer in the Atkin's theory. The insulin raises when you eat lots of carbs, then the carbs start the ball rolling, . Honestly, if I do all protein (follow Atkin's) ALL of my cravings and hunger goes away within 48 hours. If I don't, I just crave and am hungry all the time. Get the book and read what it says and perhaps you might find it works for you. I don't do it long term, just for about a wk or 2 to keep on track. I'm 4 years out in April and no weight gain. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

January 12, 2004
Believe me, I know your pain! I am 15 months out, and cant loose much anymore. I'll tell you, just keep experimenting with different ideas and make sure to exercise. Watch your carbs!!! Don't go on Atkins, but just watch your carbs... Best of luck!!
   — Joyce M.

January 12, 2004
I am in the same positon you are of not be able to lose anymore but have actually started to regain a few...very scary my surgeon sent me for an upper GI to see if the pouch expanded but it hasn't so the next thing they are checking is the size of the stoma it may be too big, or the other possibilty they are checking is pregnancy. good luck with your new doc. let us know what you find out
   — Tammy N.

January 12, 2004
Jonna, don't give up! First of all, I congratulate you for ALL you have lost so far! You should be doing the HAPPY DANCE right about now. I went throught the same thing before my 1-year anniversary. I even want to be at goal by mid to the end of March 2004. If, not, it won't be the end of the world. I'll just have to get vigilant and REAL fanatical about what I'm doing and how I can improve it and get the results I want. (Read my profile, you'll see-I was just about a basket case...worry, worry, worry). Just because you didn't make it in the 2 years does NOT mean you will NEVER attain your goal. C'mon now, you gotta have faith in yourself! For me, I had to do less worrying and MORE praying. There's this saying, I'm almost sure that you've heard it before...goes like this: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get, what you've always got...DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT" Don't be so hard on yourself. Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~~
   — yourdivaness

January 12, 2004
I can eat a bowl of cereal or some toast at night, BUT NEVER AT BREAKFAST! Ouch! If I eat carbs for breakfast then I'm starving all day. EAT, EAT, EAT. I can't get full. As far as never reaching goal. I could'nt ether. (RNY May 8, 2001). I was 319 and got to 156. Weight goes from 157-163. Goal was 129 or 130 and a 30 waist jeans. I wear 34. My BMI is still overweight. So I know how frustrating it is. In my case I have some extra issues that I believe are related to WLS. Yet even so, if I could have seen ahead I STILL would have WLS. However I'd done it years ago. Today I've started the Carbohydrates Addict Diet to try to stop my sugar and carb cravings and kickstart some weight loss. (Atkins is to strict for my tastes. CAD was a pretty good diet when I did it several years ago I lost 25 lbs in 12 days). Anyway I understand your frustration. I don't have any advice except ditch the carbs for breakfast and go ALL protein such as eggs and/or meat for breakfast. That's a start anyway.
   — Danmark

January 13, 2004
First, congrats on the wonderful weight loss! My take on what you listed for your breakfast is you need some good solid protein to fill your pouch up and satisfy it. The protein drink is moving right on through. The toast ends up mushy and moves through quickly also. Nothing left to tell the pouch it's satisfied. Try some eggs and sausage or ham etc and maybe 1 piece of toast. Part of a cheeseburger, shrimp, turkey etc. I know for me that when I eat heavier denser protein it does stick with me longer. I am about 3 weeks short of 1 yr PO and fortunately still losing as I have 28 lbs to goal. However, I did not set a real low goal. About 40 lbs higher than the height/weight charts say I should be. My surgeon agrees with the goal weight I have and was the one who suggested it. He agrees that I would not look good in the 150's or 160's. He figures an absolute bottom for me is 180's. My goal weight is 200. I am not looking to end up in a size 8 or something similar. Ideally I am looking at a 12 on the bottom and 10 on top. I'm already a 16 and L at 228 lbs. I need tall pants and they normally start at a 12. I also have never been a "normal" weight and cannot imagine myself at say 160. Maybe you set too low a goal weight. <p>Look at your meals and see where you can add some substance to them that will stick with you and then if you need to have something in between meals go for all protein. I know for me any time I need to get the weight moving again I go stricter on protein (larger portion of the meal) and push tons of water. That gets it going and will usually give me a 3-7 lbs loss and keep losing some more for a week or two. There may very well be something mechanically wrong, which is important to find out but if not then take a really hard look at the make up of your meals and your exercise routine. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

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