Why do I always want to eat?

I have gotten bad about always wanting to eat. I had a hysterectomy in July 0f 04. A complete one. I take estrogen daily. I have gained 10 pounds since then. Can someone please give me an ideal of their daily menu, and some pointers on what to do about constantly wanting to eat. Any advice would bve appreciated. Thanks!    — Laura W. (posted on January 19, 2005)

January 19, 2005
Hi there, My take on this is that we still have alot of "head hunger". Even tho we have the surgery... our minds are zoned in to what we've done previously. When I got home from having the surgery I told my husband that I could still eat a pizza! It seemed to have faded somewhat as my body realizes the food I'm giving it is entirely different and getting the good "non addictive" food. Hope this helps! Take care & Happy New Year!!!
   — Jammers

January 19, 2005
All of us fight head hunger from time to time, but get yourself checked out--are you taking your vitamins? are you getting enough protein every day? when you're hungry try just drinking a bottle of water--it's a great appetite suppressant. Above all get temptation out of your house. When you're hungry get in the habit of taking a walk or doing some chore. Helps get structure in your daily life.
   — Cathy S.

January 19, 2005
Hello a quick word on the hystorectomy side, I had mine (complete) when I was 32 had hungrer moody and a few other things to go along with it. I did alot of reserch into hormone therape and decided to quit the hormones due to increased rick of breast cancer. I felt a ton better and all those pesky side effects (hunger) went away. Hope this helps you I do feel better and just take extra calcuim instead of hormones.
   — kmnae

January 23, 2005
If you talk to your dr. he will probably tell you that hormone therapy causes weight gain via increasing appetite. Hormone therapy caused my weight gain.
   — sesangels2006

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