Is it better for me to wait for the the dumping feeling to go away by itself,

When I make the mistake and eat too fast I get that dumping feeing, I go in the bathroom and make myself throw up. Is this bad or good for me. I do not do it this often. Just once in awhile when I get in a hurry.    — BRUCE (posted on January 4, 2002)

January 3, 2002
STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! This is a VERY bad and dangerous habit to get into. Its not only physically bad but can lead to a lifetime of doing so and getting underweight with all sorts of health problems. Dont overeat and if you do sit quietely the yuk feeling will pass. If you continue to do this see your surgeon immediatel and get PROFESSIONAL help. Doing this can literally kill people. All this from my surgeons last support group meeting.
   — bob-haller

January 3, 2002
I've had this happen to me more often than I care to remember, and it's always the result of either eating too fast or not chewing enough. I have only made myself throw up twice, mainly because I felt like my chest was going to explode if I didn't. But I agree with the other poster that it could become a habit, so my challenge is to eat slower & chew more. Most times if I get up and walk around (DON'T DRINK! ONLY MAKES IT WORSE!) it passes in a few minutes.
   — scottiemaam O.

January 3, 2002
I think this is a good time to remind everyone that "dumping" is not overeating and throwing up. Dumping refers to the release, or the "dump" of a large quantity of sugar into the intestine. Overeating is different. While it doesn't hurt to vomit a time or two when you're extremely uncomfortable, it isn't a good habit to get into. Of course during your first year you'll overeat as you try to find what amount of food is right for you. Soon you'll know without thinking that you should "stop" eating now. It takes practice!! After a year I rarely take that extra bite, but if I do, I find that Mylanta helps.
   — [Anonymous]

January 4, 2002
I agree with anonymous. I often see the discomfort from overeating referred to as "dumping" and remember finding that confusing as a pre-op/new post-op. Now that I am seven months out, I definitely know the difference. If I eat too fast or eat something too dense, I get a horribly uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen. Walking really helps!! When I dump on something too high in fat or sugar, I feel weak, sweaty, nauseated and often dizzy. I had a small lemon bar at a Christmas party and had to lay down on the floor for a half hour. I wasn't going to vomit--I just felt horrible and shaky.
   — PT LawMom

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