Why this shooting burning pain in my thigh during the night?

I am 3 weeks post op and for the last 3 or 4 nights, I have had an excruciating, shooting, burning pain from my right hip down to my right thigh once or twice a night. I wake up almost in a scream it is so bad. Then the thigh feels numb where the pain was for an hour or two even all night and when I get up. The numbness goes away after I get up and start walking. I never have the pain in the day time. What is happening?????? Never had pain like this.    — Kathryn K. (posted on January 4, 2002)

January 4, 2002
Don't know if this is what is wrong with you, but it sounds to me like a leg cramp. I get them in my calves and sometimes even my feet. It could mean that you are a little dehydrated or your potassium levels could be low. When the pain happens, I usually get up out of bed and walk around a bit to stretch it out. This will help with the numbness. Then, I up my water intake and start eating bananas the next day, to see if that helps. In either event, I would call your doctor to rule out anything else more serious. Every time I see my surgeon, he asks if I have numbing or cramps in my legs or feet, so I assume this is an important question and could mean something. Good luck.
   — enjo4

January 4, 2002
Hi there: I'm certain it is not a leg cramp. I had exactly the same thing. It drove me crazy! It really did bother me for the first 2 1/2 mo. I read enough on it and actually found out the medical term for it (although I've been looking for it lately and can't find it now). IT WILL GO AWAY. Just be patient and spare yourself the battery of tests that will prove nothing. It has to do with being strapped on the gurney for so long in a horrible position. One day, I just realized the pain was gone. Still get a little numbness, but the pain is OVER. (5 mo. po/90 lbs. lost). Hang in there! Linda
   — Linda P.

June 29, 2002
May be MERALGIA PARESTHETICA nerve damage caused by the belt used to strapped you to the operating table. Can last weeks or months.
   — Ray O.

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