If I have LIVE gas NOW, what's going to happen post-op?

I am known amongst all FRIENDS, those that claim to be anyway, a huge FARTER. I can't imagine what I will be like after surgery. Has anyone had this problem? HELP!?    — Elizabeth P. (posted on February 20, 2002)

February 20, 2002
I had gas really bad, REALLY bad before wls. Now that I've had wls, I don't toot as much anymore!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 20, 2002
Like the previous poster, I have gas much less often now that I'm postop than I did before I had surgery. I guess its because of the healthier food choices I'm making now. Also, my rny was proximal which I understand does not cause gas as severely as the more distal procedures are rumored to in some people.
   — [Anonymous]

February 20, 2002
It was #35 on last 300 questions and I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
   — Tonna N.

February 20, 2002
Dear Elizabeth, let me assure you that the gas is just a passing phase. Once my guts settled down having readjusted to eating, my fartometer has gone back to its normal level of functioning. I seem to pay more attention to how what I eat affects me now and do eat less of the things that I know will cause my guts to become a wind tunnel. Examples of what does cause this bowel turbulence include any yeasted product, especially when combined with sugar. A doughnut for example. I can still eat beans and cabbage and such with only the normal amount of gas build-up, but the excessive stuff comes when I fail to be vigilent with my diet, or, in cases of revenge, intentionally eat that which I know will cause an afternoon of, shall we say, biological warfare. Just know that the isometric exercise that comes from walking swiftly to the bathroom while firmly squeezing one's butt cheeks together is a good thing. Good Luck, my fellow flatulence fanner!
   — merri B.

February 20, 2002
Merri, you absolutely made my day with your post!!! I truly cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard. You might want to think about turning this sense of humor into a paying job! Thanks for the major case of hysterics! LOL
   — ScatCat

February 21, 2002
Elizabeth, You may be surprised! I passed much more gas pre-op than I do post-op. I think it had to do with all the junk I ate pre-op. McDonald's and the like can be wicked gas producers. Now I eat pretty healthfully. I eat mostly meat, which doesn't produse much gas. I have a little veggies once and awhile and I love this mix called Broccoli Normandy(broc., cauli & carrots) THAT sometimes will cause gas. Just get some Beano :) and blame it on the dog (or kid...if you don't have a dog!)
   — Karen B.

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