4 Weeks Post Op- When will my taste buds 'wake up'?

I am 4 weeks post op and foods taste so different now. I made some chicken soup and the boiled chicken tasted like rubber, I find myself seasoning food more than before. I sampled some Catalina dressing and it was great but nothing else seems to taste good. Also, my doctor said I could go on to regular food in a week, I am afraid to eat solids. Any suggestions on how to make foods more tatste appealing?    — marta B. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
Let your taste buds sleep. They will wake up soon enough. And boiled chicken tastes like rubber to me also. I get deli chicken- or KFC and peel the gunk off. Tried tuna or egg with a little mayo or cot cheese. I used protein drinks- wendy's chile, cream of wheat. Chew solid food well which is lie eating pured anyway. Char
   — charlene M.

August 30, 2002
LOL!!! Do I ever remember those days! Sure they'll wake up one day and you will be sorry they did. (At least I was). Enjoy now. Once food tastes good again your weight loss will slow way down. I think it was around three months before food "started" to taste good. Then six months when everything tasted good. :(
   — Danmark

September 3, 2002
It took me about 10 weeks post-op to start getting "normal" tastes back. But when it came back, it cam back with vengence!!
   — Patty H.

September 3, 2002
I'm 7 1/2 months post op and everything still taste strange to me, am I happy about it. Most of favorites pre-op taste awful to me now! I too tend to overseason my food and have tried many new and different recipes. My thought is that no more quanity of food that I can eat, I want it to be the best tasting food that I can get. Good luck and remember, don't eat it if it taste bad to you.
   — Frances B.

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