Does anyone who has had surgery have a seizure disorder?

I suffered several seizures 2 years ago, probably related to an infection but I still take an anticonvulsant. My surgeon thinks I'm a good candidate for surgery but isn't excited about my neuological history. My neurologist has no experience with RNY surgery. I'm looking for advise.    — sandra L. (posted on April 16, 2001)

April 16, 2001
I have Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy which means I have jerking type seizures. (I have also had 2 grand mal seizures, but they were over 20 years ago.) I am on medication for this (Depakote) I had open RNY on 3-16-01 and had really no problem, although I did have an increase in my seizure activity for a week. This was taken care of easily. The same thing happened when my appendix burst so I think it is something to do with me and anethesia. It's not a problem for me...
   — Debra L.

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