I'm on pureed diet, Post op Lap Rny 4days. I ate 3/4 pureed scrambled egg, now I ...

For breakfast this morning I had 3/4 of a pureed scrambled egg, (part of my post op diet) and immediately had this pain sensation in my pouch area. (I had this same food in the hospital and was just fine). I layed down to see if it would go away. It wouldn't. For the next 5 1/2 hours, I would have gas go up and down my esophogus and throughout my intestinal tract. I have bad gass and even worse diarreah, (sorry). I am sweating and have burps which are painful. Quite nausious. Any ideas? I tried waitng a few hours to try to sip some water, that made it worse. Now, I am hungrey again for food, but I am too afraid to eat. I've called the nutrutionist but got her voice mail, waiting for her call back. Thanks everyone, Annie.....PS, I would have normally looked right away in the Library but this is unbearable, so I had to ask now. Sorry.    — Annie R. (posted on August 13, 2001)

August 13, 2001 sounds to me as if the egg is making you dump. It works that way sometimes. Sometimes I will be fine with something for awhile, and then I try it another day and it makes me sick like this. I call this dumping although I don't know if it is the dumping everyone warns about. This also happens to me if I don't chew enough or if I eat too soon after another meal. And yes, a drink just makes it worse. However, I don't know if this is good or bad, but I usually end up throwing up, and then I feel perfect! Just don't give up on the food, try it again. Slowly, chewing well, and you should be okay. Sometimes its just a bad day.
   — [Anonymous]

August 13, 2001
I have to agree with Anon.- I think every day will be different and it won't be until much later that you can entirely trust a food..... Since all of our diets are so different, it is hard to comment. I stayed on a liquid/creamy diet for two weeks before attempting even an egg. I had lots of protein shakes, jello, pudding etc. Then I progressed to eggs, beans, cottage cheese- thicker but still easily digestable- for another two weeks... finally after a month, I was eating a little more normal.
   — Karen R.

August 13, 2001
Annie, I had surgery 8/1/01, so I am a new post op too. I am not allowed eggs until 2 weeks post op, but there is a note about eggs in my instructions it says-- so people do not tolerate eggs (especially scrambled) & if you don't tolerate them, then try egg beaters. I would not give up on foods. You might have been having a bad day with eating altogether or just didn't tolerate the eggs. Hope you feel better!
   — [Anonymous]

August 13, 2001
And YES, only after I vomit do I feel 100% normal. I have tried to just deal with it for HOURS (avoid vomitting with all my heart), but like your stomach is telling you now, it wants no part of it.
   — Karen R.

August 13, 2001
If you puke you will feel so much better. There are days where I have never been so glad to vomit in my entire life. I think you are fine on foods the first week & then can't tolerate them for the next five (atleast that has been my experience).. just try to tough it out & stick with mostly liquids if you can, it will get better.. just give it some time.
   — sgeisendorff

August 14, 2001
Annie ... it's deja vu all over again! I remember the very first scrambled egg I had ... dear Lord, thought I was gonna die and was TERRIBLY afraid I wasn't going to. Wrestled with that thing for five and a half hours before it FINALLY came back up ... and I've never been so glad to vomit in my whole life, as someone else pointed out. Did you do it in the microwave? If you did (and I did), BAD MOVE -- dries it right out so it just sticks in there like a lump of glue. As well, four days out ... I was still on clear liquid then ... don't rush yourself to get back to eating "normally". I'm nearly 17 months out and STILL prefer soft/mushy/food -- my favorite meal is cream of mushroom soup! Take it easy, welcome to the other side ... and don't be in a hurry food-wise! Love,
   — Cheryl Denomy

August 14, 2001
I don't have a problem with eggs, and I even cook them in the microwave. I add about a tablespoon or so of milk to the egg prior to cooking it. By adding the milk it adds a wee bit more protien, plus it adds moisture! It makes the egg go down so much easier.
   — Kimberlee S.

August 15, 2001
I am now just about 6 weeks postop, and have experienced the same severe "gas" or "air" in my stomach and esophagus as you. The only difference seems to be that I have not had any bouts of diarreah. This has happened to me eating eggs, chicken, and haddock. I did speak to me doctor about this, and he is not sure what the problem is. I am eating quite normally the rest of the time. I have also had times where I have eaten the above foods with no problems...Very frustrating and painful! I am hoping that this is something that will eventually resolve itself. Someone had suggested to me that taking Phazyme (for gas) every morning and evening would help, I have not tried this yet. Hope you feel better soon!
   — Donna C.

January 8, 2005
3 weeks post op. I too have had problems with scrambled eggs. One day they go down fine other days I get lots of cramping and burping. It goes awey in an hour or so and I feel fine. I think I am eating too fast? or possiabily it may becuse the food is too hot (tempature)?
   — Andrew L.

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