Dealing with a Panni rash

hi all, I am a pre-op with an uncomfortable problem. I am getting rashes under my pannus. It is extremly itchy and red and irriated. any suggestions on what I can do. Thanks    — Princess D. (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 27, 2002
Gold Bond Medicated Powder is GREAT for this; I use it all the time. This is important: shake some powder in your hand and pat it on, rather than just shaking the bottle at your under-pannus area, because if that powder gets in your panties -eeyow! It works great on the rash, but it is hot as fire on your delicate membranes to the south. If you try it, you should see some quick improvement - it's good stuff! P.S. -I see people on this site mention all the time that you want to get pictures of this problem, or get your doctor to document it, because it's important for insurance reasons.
   — Kim A.

November 27, 2002
DEpends on the rash. IF you have one of those red and oozing rashes, before the gold bond, use some ove the over the counter yeast stuff, like nystatin, that will help, then use the gold bond long term. Start a diary of what you have to do to manage this rash, take pictures and keep recipts for EVRERYTHING you buy related to this rash. Also, it would be a really good idea to go to your physicians office to have these rashes documented in the medical record. IT will help you later with authorization for removal of the pannus.
   — Vicki L.

November 28, 2002
I agree with the previous poster. I had a really bad rash that itched like crazy and smelled bad (a sure sign for a yeast infection). My doctor told me to buy lotrimin it's for jock itch and it did wonders.
   — Morna B.

November 28, 2002
I would add to what Morna said. My derma also dx it as yeast (the smell would knock over a footbal stadium). And I used an anti-fungal like lotrimin (not Gyne, but in the athlete's foot dept). Thing is, you gotta kill the yeast. So, you have to wash with soap & dry thoroughly, before applying the cream. At first do it 2-3 times per day. Then you can cut back, but wash & dry each time until it's under control. I was able to use it once daily eventually, but in summer had to go back to 2X per day. POWDER only feeds the yeast, though and makes them happier. I was using baby powder, then cornstarch, and the misery would subside for awhile, then it'd be back, but worse. The doc told me how happy the powder pade the yeast & once I resisted the urge to "feel' dry, it worked. I was amazed.
   — vitalady

November 28, 2002
I also recommend washing and drying thoroughly and then applying the Lotrimin. As this clears up you can apply your antiperspirant to the area as this really does help prevent the moisture buildup then development of yeast. It is a part of my daily routine as is my underarms. I am hoping that after I am at goal weight I will be approved for that panniculectomy to get rid of this problem. Lap RNY 9/10/02 and down 63 pounds!
   — Roberta S.

November 28, 2002
2 things that I have done for the problem is one using apple cider vinager to change the PH of the skin...yeast doesn't like acid inviroments and second is I like Desitin Daily care... what the rash is, is a form of diaper rash... I find that Desitin has worked better for me than other products for "Jock Itch"
   — Peggy B.

November 28, 2002
I also have this problem. I went to my doctor and was told that it is a yeast infection. She prescribed a cream called Ketoconazole 2%. It works great, and clears up the rash pretty quick. Ask your doctor about it, and good luck!
   — Kimber P.

December 1, 2002
I have to agree with most here. I was told it was yeast also. I know the best thing I have used is to get an over the counter, generic, yeast infection medicine (cream). It worked great on me.
   — Gail S.

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