Did anyone who has had surgery have a hiatal hernia before?

Did it affect the surgery? Did it affect the outcome? Did it affect your qualifications? I am very seriously looking into surgery and am curious about this. Thanks!    — Lisa L. (posted on May 13, 2003)

May 13, 2003
I have had no problem with my hiatal hernia since surgery. I told my surgeon about it (I was diagnosed about 2 years before surgery) and he really didn't seem all that concerned.. just said the surgery should fix it. Best of luck to you!
   — teresa M.

May 13, 2003
Hello Lisa! I did not know I had a hiatal hernia (aside from eating tums after meals) Apparently it was a bad one, and my surgeon fixed it at the same time as doing my RNY and it stayed lap. So, to answer your question No it shouldn't interfere.
   — dimpkd

May 13, 2003
I had one. I had not been told much about it, it having been diagnosed years ago. I found the op report and took it to my surgeon. He said if it needed to be repaired, he would do it at the time of my lap RNY, which he did. For me (and this may not apply to you), I think that having "double surgery" made my post op pain worse. Certainly bearable but more intense. Also of importance, I am a real baby when it comes to pain though. Hope this helps!
   — Lisa I.

May 13, 2003
I found out I had a hiatal hernia during the pre-op testing for my RNY. It was deemed "self-correcting," which is what it does -- stuff pauses for a moment before it enters the stomach, then goes in. My surgeon elected not to repair it (from my reading, a hiatal hernia is not unusual, many folks -- like me -- aren't even aware they have one, and repairing it, in some cases, is worse than leaving it alone). It never bugged me before WLS, and at a year out, still doesn't bug me.
   — Suzy C.

May 13, 2003
i too found out i had one during my pre oip testing, although i suspected for years i had one, does not bother me any morte now than it fdid before only once i na while when i swollow, just like before!!
   — janetc00

May 13, 2003
I was diagnosed with a small hiatal hernia after my upper endoscopy test (still pre-op). The doc prescribed nexium for an 8-week period, which I'm still in, and then I'm to see my PCP for follow-up. I guess he and I will have to determine if I still need the medication. It has worked great for me, and is cheaper for me than buying Pepcid or Tums, as I can get it through my prescription plan. I'm not sure if any post-ops take this medication. And I'm also not sure if the problem will be resolved by this medication, either. I'll let you know more after I see my PCP.
   — Carlita

May 14, 2003
Hi, I am 3 weeks post op - Lap Gastric Bypass. I have had a hiatal hernia since I was pregnant with my son in 1991. My surgeon said he would fix my hernia while he was in doing my bypass. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea a week before surgery (I had known there was a sleep problem for the past year) and since my surgery and the fixing of my hernia (which he found was very large when he went in 12 CM) I have slept soundly through the night and have not had to use my CPAP. I am down 31 lbs so far and I believe the repair of the hernia has a lot to do with my being able to sleep now. The hiatal hernia actually helped in getting me the WLS with my insurance co who wouldnt have covered the WLS if there wasn't another reason for the surgeon to be going in. I believe this will benefit you in the long run by having the hernia corrected at the same time as your WLS> Best of luck always! Kim
   — Kimberly B.

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