I am a Jehovah's Witness , I am considering surgery without the use of blood.

I realize the potential risk factors involved with this type of surgery. I live in Michigan and would like BTC to perform this surgery. Does anyone know of a doctor when a complication might arise that could do an transfusion with no blood involved but a bloodless transfusion?    — blank first name B. (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
You would probably have to ask your surgeon but I was wondering in your religion can you use your own blood for a tranfusion? I know with my surgeon you could set aside a pint of blood for your own use 30 days ahead of time in case it's needed.
   — Candace F.

January 13, 2002
YES YOU CAN put your own blood aside but this surgery seldom needs blood trans. Good Luck
   — Jackiis

January 13, 2002
YES.........donate your own blood... I had the VBG in 1991 along with my gall bladder removed at the same time and did not require any blood. I had a RouxNY revision done in Nov 2001 and did not require any blood there either. Everyone is different, but if you have the surgery done laparscopicly you would most likely not have to have blood. Best to have blood on hand just in case....I had to sign that I was willing to accept a tranfusion should I have needed one... Good luck to you.
   — Pamela W.

January 15, 2002
I asked my surgeon if there was any chance I would need blood, and she said absolutely not. I wouldn't see it as a problem.
   — photographer45

February 13, 2002
I too am one of Jehovahs' Witnesses and was concerned about the blood issue. Two sisters at my Kingdom Hall had the surgery done recently with no considerable blood loss. You can always check with the liason committee to see if they can help you,or ask the dr. you have in your area that does the gastric by-pass, if he uses non-blood alternatives.
   — Jean B.

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