Need help with finding proper bras.

18 months post op Open RNY-down 140lbs and thrilled with everything-new life - feel great, but...not only do I have "bat wings" and other assorted hanging areas which financially I will never be able to do anything about, but that's ok. I would love to know if anyone has been able to find high cut bras-I have such an excess hanging over the sides and back of my bras and no matter what I have tried I can't seem to find anything I am satisfied with. I was hoping maybe some others have had this problem and found some good brands that have helped. The ones I used pre-op were made for "larger sized" women of course and now they are all in sizes that are too big. Any help would be appreciated. Second part of question..pre op I always craved carbs ad rarely sweets. In the last 3 mos I seem to have turned into a chocoholic-any one else fid this happening?    — Norma N. (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 19, 2002
I had the same problem. ( 1 year post-op down 150#). Look in your yellow pages. I found a woman that deals directly with the manufacturer out of her home. Best of luck.
   — Ginger J.

March 20, 2002
Hi Norma. I worked in retail sales for many years -- a large chunk of them were spent fitting ladies undergarments. There are MANY styles that will help with this problem. You need to find a shop that deals exclusively in foundation garments -- look in the yellow pages under bras or brassieres. The large department stores cannot offer you the service of the small, privately owned shops. The personnel in the smaller shops are generally better trained to deal with sizing the "problems" you're trying to minimize. It's been 12 years since I did this type of work but, if my memory is correct, Exquisite Form had a line of bras called "Ful-ly" that were cut a bit higher in the back and on the sides. I don't even know if they still make the line but it might be worth a phone call to find out. Good Luck!
   — Pam S.

March 20, 2002
Sports bras may help with your extra-skin problem. I have the same problem and have found that sports bras are often higher on the sides and back, so it keeps you supported. Regarding your other question, YES! I am a major chocoholic these days!!! I never really liked chocolate much pre-op, but now I have to have a few pieces of chocolate a week or I go crazy. Chocolate is my naughty treat of choice. I dunno if the surgery zaps some mineral that chocolate can replenish or what, but I have been craving it like a pregnant madwoman!
   — Terissa R.

March 20, 2002
I will leave the bra question - I think others answered it great, but CHOCOLATE! I never cared for it pre-op, it was always my take it or leave it food. Now, I love!!!! it, and I understand why women crave it. Fortunately, a few kisses can do it for me.
   — M. A. B.

March 20, 2002
Do yourself a favor and visit either a Victoria Secret's or Fredrick of Hollywood store! Both of these are at our local mall and have been terific at helping me getting proper fitting bras as I've lost my weight. You might even find a few nice things to make your hubby or other male friend happy!
   — Sue F.

March 24, 2002
I am a breast cancer patient and I think this is the way to go. There is a company in Hollywood, Florida called Jodee--phone # 1-800-821-2767. Call and get a free catalogue.. They have "pockets" on the side of the bra that you can put a special cushion in and MAGICALLY the hanging skin is not seen. It's worth a LOOK.
   — Marcia B.

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